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Membres du corps professioral
Roger Couture
Professeur(e) titulaire
École de kinésiologie et des sciences de la santé
Pleins feux sur les étudiants : Maggie Laverge
12 juin 2024 - Tout en équilibrant un horaire chargé en tant qu’étudiante de premier cycle et joueuse de rugby universitaire, Maggie Laverge a éveillé une passion pour les sciences de la Terre. Elle a amorcé ses études en sciences à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique, mais s’est recentrée après avoir suivi un cours sur les catastrophes naturelles avec des volets en volcanologie, géologie...
Allocation de 39 000 000 $ au campus de l’Université Laurentienne à Barrie
23 juin 2014 – Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a approuvé un engagement de 25 000 000 $ pour le projet de campus indépendant dans la Ville de Barrie. Cet engagement augmente substantiellement celui pris en 2011 par la Laurentienne pour ce campus. À cette somme devaient s’ajouter les 14 000 000 $ déjà promis par la Ville.
Essai majeur sur le terrain du système d'énergie solaire conçu à Sudbury
19 août 2014) – Un concept innovateur et porteur d’économies énergétiques, en ce qu’il permet de canaliser l’énergie solaire propre vers diverses applications, aura son premier grand essai sur le terrain dans la mer Méditerranée, au large de l’île de Malte, au début de 2015. Conçu et...
La Laurentienne décernera un doctorat honorifique à Mme Margarete Kalin-Seidenfaden
(28 octobre, 2020) L’Université Laurentienne rendra hommage à Mme Margarete Kalin-Seidenfaden et soulignera ses réalisations remarquables en lui décernant un doctorat ès sciences honoris causa lors de la Collation des grades de l’automne, le 31 octobre.
Mme Kalin-Seidenfaden est l’une des principales contributrices au Protocole de Sudbury, une approche en génie écologique adoptée pour...
La végétation fait-elle dévier les rivières?
(25 janvier, 2022) - M. Alessandro Ielpi (Ph.D.), professeur agrégé de sédimentologie au Centre pour la vitalité des lacs Vale et à l’École des sciences de la Terre Harquail de la Laurentienne, a récemment publié sous la rubrique « Earth and Environment » de Nature Reviews une étude, développée en collaboration avec MM. Mathieu G. A. Lapôtre (Ph.D.) et C. Kevin Boyce (Ph.D.) de...
Les gagnants au Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs sont annoncés
(30 mars, 2022) - Du 21 au 25 mars 2022, l’Association des étudiants des cycles supérieurs de la Laurentienne, appuyée du Bureau des études supérieures, a organisé le Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs « Découverte et dissémination », mettant en valeur les projets variés de recherche d’étudiants inscrits aux programmes de maîtrise et de doctorat. Les exposés ont témoigné de...
Entreprise locale née de débuts industriels
15 mai 2024 - Pour Jean-François (JF) Démoré, avoir un sens aigu des affaires s’est imposé naturellement. Cet élève de l’École secondaire catholique Champlain de Chelmsford, en Ontario, a poursuivi ses études à la Laurentienne et c’est également là qu’il a fait ses débuts en entrepreneuriat.
Choisir la Laurentienne pour ses études postsecondaires allait sans dire pour JF. Il connaissait la...
Student Spotlight: Maggie Laverge
June 12, 2024 - While balancing a busy schedule as an undergraduate student and varsity rugby player, Maggie Laverge developed a passion for earth science. Maggie began her studies in science at the University of British Columbia but her academic focus sharpened after taking a course on natural disasters with sections on volcanology, geology, and earth hazards. A deep interest in earth sciences...
Sudbury Family Invests in Healthy Lakes
October 2, 2012 - The Vale Living with Lakes Centre has accepted a pledge of $500,000 from Nora and Milad Mansour of Sudbury, a donation in support of environmental remediation studies to ensure the health and sustainability of the world’s freshwater systems.
Members of the Laurentian University community and special guests attended a ceremony held Monday evening to...
LU Recruits Top-Flight Academic
August 8, 2012 - Laurentian University appointed Dr. Wayne Warry to the position of Director of the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR) at Laurentian University starting September 1st, 2012.
The Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research is an academic and applied research centre with sites at Laurentian University in Sudbury and at Lakehead University in Thunder...
$39M now secured for Laurentian University campus in Barrie
June 23rd, 2014 – Laurentian University’s Board of Governors
has approved a commitment of $25 million toward the proposed stand-alone university campus in the City of Barrie. This pledge represents a significant increase to Laurentian University’s 2011 commitment for the Barrie campus, and the amount would be enhanced by the $14M already committed by the City of Barrie for a standalone...
Laurentian University to host 6th Mining and the Environment 2015 International Conference
JUNE 11, 2015 – Laurentian University’s Goodman School of Mines, in cooperation with the Laurentian University School of the Environment, will host the 6th Mining and the Environment 2015 International Conference from June 20-25, in Sudbury, Ontario.
The Conference will bring together experts in the environmental sciences and environmental health sciences, industry...
Harquail Family Invests $10 Million to Advance Mineral Exploration Research
*Photo left to right: James Harquail, Sofia Harquail, David Harquail, Birgitta Sigfridsson, Peter Harquail
David Harquail announced today that his family foundation is making a $10 million investment to support Laurentian University’s Department of Earth Sciences and its Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC). The University’s Board of Governors has unanimously decided to honour the...
Laurentian to Present Honorary Doctorate to Margarete Kalin-Seidenfaden
(October 28, 2020) Laurentian University is set to commemorate the remarkable achievements of Margarete Kalin-Seidenfaden with a Doctor of Science, Honoris causa, at this fall’s convocation on October 31st.
Kalin-Seidenfaden is a fundamental contributor to “The Sudbury Protocol”, an ecological approach to environmental reclamation, which was then branded at Laurentian in 2016. Tussling...
Does vegetation make rivers bend?
(January 25, 2022) - Dr. Alessandro Ielpi, an Associate Professor of Sedimentology at the Vale Living with Lakes Centre and the Harquail School of Earth Sciences of Laurentian University, has recently published a paper in the Earth and Environment category of Nature Reviews. The study takes a new look at the role of vegetation in controlling the shape of river channels. It was developed in...
Graduate Research Symposium Winners Announced
(March 30, 2022) - Laurentian’s Graduate Student Association, with the support of the Graduate Studies office, hosted a week-long ‘Discovery and Dissemination Graduate Research Symposium’ from March 21 - 25, 2022. The event drew attention to diverse research projects of students enrolled in Masters and PhD programs. Presentations demonstrated the depth and breadth of research taking...
Laurentian University researchers to participate in $8.6M national SSHRC Partnership Grant
(September 2, 2022) - To impact the everyday lives of Canadians across the country, we require a diversity of ideas and researchers. This unique Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) project of unprecedented scale in the design disciplines in Canada will see 14 universities, 70 researchers and over 68 public and private organizations at the municipal, provincial and national...
Province Re-invests in Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health
(April 18, 2023) - The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) has invested $2.5 million, over the next 5 years, to support the core activities of the Centre.
“Our mission is simple – to keep workers out of danger,” said Monte McNaughton,...
Sudbury Researchers Awarded NSERC Grants Totaling $1.1M to Advance Mining-Related Projects
May 13, 2024 - Two researchers at NOSM University and Laurentian University are celebrating major investments in their research today as their projects were successfully awarded funding from grants administered through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Alliance Missions program. One project studies how Gallium, a critical mineral, can be mined more...
Institut de marketing du sport
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Programmes de recherche
Dans le passé, l’IMS a accompli toute une série de projets de partenariat avec Gatorade, effectué une étude intitulée « Sponsorship Landscape Study » pour le CSF et contribué à l’Encyclopedia of Sports Marketing and Management, à une étude de l’expérience étudiante dans les établissements postsecondaires, à une étude...
Conférencier principal
L’enseignement en tant qu’éducateur du XXIe siècle :
de quoi avons-nous besoin et comment y arriver?
Vendredi, le 26 avril 2019
Édifice de recherche, d’innovation et de génie Cliff Fielding
De nombreux facteurs et forces, divers et variés, se conjuguent pour modifier le paysage de l’enseignement supérieur du XXIe siècle. Du point de vue des éducateurs que nous...
BScN Program for Registered Nurses via Distance Education
*Admissions to the English Post RN program have been suspended
Distance Education
In January 1987, the BScN program for registered nurses became available on a part-time basis through Distance Education at five sites. As the demand increased, the number of sites expanded from Barrie, Orillia, North Bay, Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie to include students in Oshawa, Owen Sound, St....
Teaching as a 21st Century Educator: what do we need and how do we get there?
Friday, April 26, 2019
Cliff Fielding Research & Innovation Building
There are many different factors and forces acting to change the landscape of 21st century higher education. From our perspective as educators, what are the skills, habits and attitudes that we need in order to not...
Laurentian’s Graduate Researchers are Redefining Earth Science Research with Collaboration
A defining feature of Sudbury is its establishment within the Sudbury Basin, an impact crater formed almost 2 billion years ago. Earth science researchers at Laurentian University have access to unique geologic structures formed by this impact for field and laboratory research, allowing them to ask questions about our Earth that can only be answered here in Sudbury.
However, there are...