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Business Administration (MBA)

Préparez-vous à diriger dans les affaires.

Maîtrise en Administration de la santé (MAS)

Développez connaissances et expertise dans le domaine de l’administration et de la santé.

Sports Administration

Initiez-vous aux activités commerciales liées aux sports.

Administration des affaires - finance

Développez une facilité pour les finances.

Administration des affaires - gestion internationale

Soyez un leader sur la scène mondiale.

Administration des affaires - comptabilité

Un tremplin vers l’agrément de comptable professionnel agréé (CPA).

Administration des affaires

Recevez une formation en affaires qui va au-delà des salles de classe.

Rural and Northern Health (PhD)

Entamez de la recherche sur la santé rurale et du Nord.

Business Administration (online BBA)

Business training beyond the classroom.

Sports Administration

The business of sport.

Business Administration - Human Resources Management

Prepare yourself for a changing business world.

Master of Health Administration (MHA)

Develop knowledge and expertise in the field of Health Administration, exclusively in an online format.

Business Administration (MBA)

Prepare to lead in business.

Business Administration (BBA)

Business training beyond the classroom.

Business Administration - Marketing

Brand yourself and lead progressive change.

Business Administration - Accounting

A pathway to a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation.

Business Administration - Finance

Become fluent in finance.


Analyze data, research trends, and evaluate economic issues.

Administration des affaires - marketing

Créez votre marque personnelle et soyez un leader du changement progressif.

Rural and Northern Health (PhD)

Research rural and northern health.

Education (Concurrent B.Ed.)

Prepare to teach the next generation of students.

Membres du corps professioral

Matthias Takouda

Professeur(e) titulaire | Directeur(rice), École d'administration des affaires

École d'administration des affaires


Rana Haq

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires


Na Xiao

Professeur(e) titulaire

École d'administration des affaires


Amirmohsen Golmohammadi

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires

Najam Saqib

Professeur(e) titulaire

École d'administration des affaires

Darryl Moxam

Technologue en laboratoire

École d'administration des sports

Ivy Kyei-Poku

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires

Tov Assogbavi

Professeur(e) titulaire

École d'administration des affaires


Kobana Abukari

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires

Mohamed Dia

Professeur(e) titulaire

École d'administration des affaires


Luckny Zephyr

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires

Stephen Havlovic

Professeur(e) titulaire

École d'administration des affaires


Zeeva Millman

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires


Natalya Totskaya

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires


Abdelouahid Assaidi

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires


Yves Robichaud

Professeur(e) titulaire

École d'administration des affaires


Reza Sina

Professeur(e) adjoint(e)

École d'administration des affaires


Louis Durand

Professeur(e) adjoint(e)

École d'administration des affaires


E. Patricia Orozco Quijano

Maître(sse) de conférence

École d'administration des affaires


Homayoon Shalchian-Tehrani

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'administration des affaires


Zhen (Jimmy) Wang

Professeur(e) adjoint(e)

École d'administration des affaires


Anthony Church

Professeur(e) agrégé(e) | Directeur(rice), École d'administration des sports

École de gestion des sports


Charles Bélanger

Chargé(e) de cours

Faculté des arts

Département de marketing et gestion

Rizwan Haq

Professeur(e) titulaire

Département de physique

Sciences, génie et architecture

Ebrahim Mazaheri

Chargé(e) de cours

Centre d'excellence universitaire


Stephen Meyer

Directeur | Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'études sur le nord et les collectivités


Anne Marise Lavoie

Professeur(e) titulaire

École des sciences infirmières


Michèle Minor-Corriveau

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'orthophonie


Line Tremblay

Professeur(e) titulaire

École de kinésiologie et sciences de la santé


Manon Robillard

Professeur(e) agrégé(e)

École d'orthophonie


Patrice Sawyer

Professeur(e) titulaire

Département de mathématiques et d'informatique

Khaled Taktek

Professeur(e) titulaire

École d'éducation



L’Association des anciens de la Laurentienne décerne des Prix de distinction à cinq diplômés

L’Association des anciens de l’Université Laurentienne (AAUL) rendra hommage à cinq diplômés exceptionnels lors de la remise des  Prix de distinction, le jeudi 11 octobre 2018, à l’École d’architecture McEwen. Les Prix de distinction de 2018 sont décernés comme suit :  Prix d’étoile montante – Mme Ashley Kirwan (B.Sc. 2008, M.Sc. 2017), cofondatrice, PDG et principale...

M. Michel Delorme est nommé doyen de la Faculté de gestion

Mercredi 6 mars 2019 – L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de M. Michel Delorme, Ph. D., au poste de doyen de la Faculté de gestion pour une période de cinq ans, et ce, à partir du 1er juillet 2019. M. Delorme a occupé plusieurs postes de cadre supérieur dans des universités américaines et européennes, notamment directeur de la Simmons University School of...

Des diplômés de la Laurentienne transforment des idées en innovations

(23 novembre 2023) – Pour souligner la Semaine mondiale de l’entrepreneuriat 2023, qui a eu lieu du 13 au 17 novembre, la Fonderie a mis l’accent sur un(e) entrepreneur(e) diplômé(e) de l’Université Laurentienne chaque jour de la semaine.   Initiative dirigée par la Laurentienne, la Fonderie donne aux innovateurs de l’Université la possibilité d’avancer, de créer et de développer des...

La Laurentienne rendra hommage à deux éminents Canadiens lors des cérémonies de collation des grades du printemps 2018

L’Université Laurentienne conférera un titre honorifique à deux personnes exceptionnelles lors des cérémonies de collation de grades du printemps 2018, à Sudbury. « Chaque année, nous rendons hommage à des Canadiens hors pair qui sont chefs de file de leur domaine respectif, a dit le chancelier de l’Université Laurentienne, M. Steve Paikin. Nos lauréats de titres honorifiques sont...

M. Vernon Cameron est élu président du Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne

(12 juin 2023) - L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de M. Vernon Cameron à la présidence du Conseil des gouverneurs à compter du 1er juillet 2023. Sa vaste expérience dans les hautes sphères de la gouvernance et son engagement envers l’enseignement supérieur en font un choix exceptionnel pour diriger le Conseil pendant cette période de transformation. « Je me...

Nomination d'une nouvelle présidente au Conseil des gouverneurs de l'Université Laurentienne.

15 avril 2016 – Aujourd’hui, le Conseil des gouverneurs a adopté à l’unanimité la nomination de Mme Jennifer Witty à la présidence pour un mandat d’un an qui commencera en juin 2016 en remplacement du président actuel, M. Michael Atkins, dont le mandat prendra fin. Mme Witty est membre du Conseil depuis 2005 et en est...

La famille Goodman investit dans l’École des mines de l’Université Laurentienne

15 octobre, 2012 - M. Ned Goodman, PDG de Dundee Corporation, et la Fondation de la famille Goodman - JODAMADA, ont annoncé aujourd’hui un don historique à la nouvelle École des mines de l’Université Laurentienne. En reconnaissance de la générosité de la famille Goodman, le recteur de la Laurentienne, M. Dominic Giroux, a...

La Laurentienne nomme sa première Gestionnaire de l'Énergie et de la Durabilité

11 septembre 2014 – Étalonnage de la consommation d’énergie, compostage dans les résidences et zéro déchet dans la cafétéria, telles sont les trois initiatives en cours à l’Université Laurentienne, lancées à l’appui de son « programme vert » que fera avancer la gestionnaire de...

Le Conseil des gouverneurs de la Laurentienne accueille quatre nouveaux membres

2 février 2016 – L‘Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de quatre nouveaux membres au Conseil des gouverneurs pour un mandat de trois ans, à savoir MM. Stuart Harshaw, Brian Lyle Montgomery et Yves Pelletier et Mme Tina Sartoretto.   M. Stuart Harshaw est le nouveau vice-président des opérations de...

Mme Jennifer Abols est nommée dirigeante de l'École des Mines Goodman et PDG de MIRARCO

Sudbury ON, le 30 octobre 2019 – L’Université Laurentienne et la Société de recherche appliquée en innovation minière et de réhabilitation (MIRARCO) se font un plaisir d’annoncer la nomination de Mme Jennifer Abols au poste de directrice générale de l’École des mines Goodman et de PDG de MIRARCO, avec entrée en fonction le 4 novembre 2019. Puisque M. Bruce Jago, Ph.D., a terminé son mandat...

Entreprise locale née de débuts industriels

15 mai 2024 - Pour Jean-François (JF) Démoré, avoir un sens aigu des affaires s’est imposé naturellement. Cet élève de l’École secondaire catholique Champlain de Chelmsford, en Ontario, a poursuivi ses études à la Laurentienne et c’est également là qu’il a fait ses débuts en entrepreneuriat. Choisir la Laurentienne pour ses études postsecondaires allait sans dire pour JF. Il connaissait la...

La Laurentienne et Waubetek jettent les bases d’une collaboration future

(TORONTO, 3 mars 2020) – L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle a signé aujourd’hui, lors du Congrès de l’Association canadienne des prospecteurs et entrepreneurs (ACPE) à Toronto, une lettre d’intérêt avec la Waubetek Business Development Corporation. Cette lettre prépare le terrain pour une collaboration interinstitutionnelle sous l’égide du Centre autochtone d’excellence...

Les réalisations du corps professoral reconnues et célébrées lors d’un événement sur le campus.

(5 juillet 2023) - Le 15 juin 2023, la vice-rectrice intérimaire aux études, Brenda Brouwer (Ph.D.), et la vice-rectrice à la recherche, Tammy Eger (Ph.D.), ont invité les membres du corps professoral de l’Université Laurentienne à un événement visant à reconnaître et à célébrer leurs nombreuses réalisations et celles de leurs collègues. « Le corps professoral de l’Université...

L’Université Laurentienne nomme le nouveau doyen de la Faculté de gestion

19 avril, 2013 - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l'Université Laurentienne a approuvé aujourd'hui la nomination de M. Stephen J. Havlovic, Ph.D., au poste de doyen de la Faculté de gestion, à compter du 1er juillet 2013. M. Stephen Havlovic est vice‑recteur à l'enseignement et à la recherche et vice‑recteur aux études au...

Le Collège Sault et l’Université Laurentienne concluent une entente 2 + 2

​Le Collège Sault et l’Université Laurentienne ont conclu aujourd’hui une entente décisive qui accorde aux étudiants de commerce la possibilité inégalée de préparer un diplôme et un grade en quatre ans. Ce nouveau partenariat consolide davantage l’engagement de ces deux établissements à offrir un enseignement de haut calibre. En vertu de cette entente, l’Université Laurentienne reconnaîtra les...

L'Université Laurentienne félicite Mme Lucie Moncion de sa nomination au Sénat du Canada

Le recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université Laurentienne, Dominic Giroux, a félicité à son tour Mme Lucie Moncion de sa nomination au Sénat du Canada comme représentante de l’Ontario. « Nous sommes fiers de voir nommer au Sénat Mme Lucie Moncion, une ancienne de a Laurentienne ayant accumulé d’impressionnantes réussites professionnelles, a dit M. Giroux. Grâce à son...

Nomination de Dominic Giroux au poste de PDG d’Horizon Santé-Nord et de l’IRHSN

Aujourd’hui, les conseils d’administration d’Horizon Santé-Nord (HSN) et de l’Institut de recherches d’Horizon Santé-Nord (IRHSN) ont annoncé que le recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université Laurentienne, Dominic Giroux, sera le prochain président-directeur général d’HSN et de l’IRHSN. Il entrera en fonction le 2 octobre 2017.     Situé au Grand Sudbury, HSN est l’un des...

L'Université Laurentienne obtient l'agrément international de ses programmes de gestion

22 JUIN 2016 – L’Université Laurentienne a reçu l’agrément international EPAS pour le programme de baccalauréat en administration des affaires, offert sur le campus, ainsi que le baccalauréat en commerce, administration des sports, le seul programme d’affaires au Canada menant à un diplôme dans ce domaine. Depuis mai 2016,...

La Laurentienne lance une maîtrise en administration de la santé (MAS) en ligne.

(23 février 2023) - Dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre les programmes de cycles supérieurs en sciences infirmières et de maîtrise en administration des affaires, l’Université Laurentienne a officiellement lancé la Maîtrise en administration de la santé (MAS). Ce programme de cycles supérieurs unique et complet accepte désormais les candidatures des personnes souhaitant commencer leurs...

L’Université Laurentienne annonce la nomination d’une nouvelle vice-rectrice aux finances et à l’administration

17 octobre 2023 – L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de Mme Sylvie Lafontaine à titre de nouvelle vice-rectrice aux finances et à l’administration. Mme Lafontaine assurera un leadership stratégique, financier et opérationnel à ce moment particulièrement important de la transformation à l’Université. Mme Lafontaine est une cadre bilingue possédant plus de 25 ans...

Pleins feux sur les étudiants : Emporté par la passion des sports

(24 octobre 2023) - Même devant l’adversité, Hilmi Ordukiran, étudiant de troisième année en administration des sports à l’Université Laurentienne, a fait preuve de bienveillance et de persévérance en parcourant un chemin sinueux, emporté par sa passion, pour en arriver là où il est aujourd’hui. Avant de lancer une carrière en administration des sports, Hilmi était ingénieur en devenir. Il...

Des étudiants de l’Université Laurentienne représenteront le Canada sur la scène internationale

Le 22 novembre 2018 – La Faculté de gestion de l’Université Laurentienne est fière d’annoncer que six de ses étudiants représenteront le Canada au 22e atelier international (en anglais) qui se tiendra en Russie du 6 au 19 avril 2019. Organisé par la South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences en Allemagne et accueilli par la M.I. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic...

Desjardins investit 300 000 $ dans l’amélioration de l’expérience étudiante

6 mai 2019 - Alors que l’année universitaire au Canada tire à sa fin, Desjardins a annoncé qu’il s’engage à investir 300 000 $ dans l’amélioration de l’expérience étudiante à l’Université Laurentienne.  « Ce don témoigne de notre engagement envers les jeunes et les études et j’en suis très fier, a dit le PDG et président du conseil du Mouvement Desjardins, M. Guy Cormier. Une...

Des étudiants en gestion à la Laurentienne iront en Corée du Sud pour participer au concours international de plan commercial 2019

Le 16 octobre 2019 -- La Faculté de gestion à l’Université Laurentienne est fière d’annoncer qu’une équipe d’étudiants du programme en administration des affaires se rendra à Daejeon, en Corée du Sud, pour participer au concours international de plan commercial 2019 (International Business Plan Competition) organisé par la SolBridge International School of Business, du 27 octobre au 2 novembre...

Une collaboration innovante et renforcée entre l'Université Laurentienne, le Collège Boréal et La Cité

Sudbury ON, le 26 janvier 2016 – L’Université Laurentienne, le Collège Boréal et La Cité ont procédé aujourd’hui à la signature d’une entente d’articulation accélérant l’obtention d’un baccalauréat en administration des affaires pour les diplômés des deux collèges...

Nomination d’un diplômé du programme d’administration des sports de l’UL au poste de directeur général des Blackhawks de Chicago

(9 mars, 2022) - Il n’y a pas si longtemps, Kyle Davidson passait son examen final à l’École d’administration des sports de l’Université Laurentienne, et ce natif de Sudbury est maintenant directeur général des Blackhawks de Chicago. Membre de la promotion de 2010 du programme d’administration des sports (SPAD), M. Davidson, 33 ans, a commencé sa carrière chez les Blackhawks en...

Six éminents Canadiens recevront un titre honorifique

26 mai 2016 – Six éminents Canadiens des domaines du droit, des mines, du génie, du journalisme, de l’éducation et de l’action sociale recevront un doctorat honorifique de l’Université Laurentienne pendant les cérémonies de collation des grades du printemps 2016 à Sudbury et à Barrie.   Parmi les...

Nomination de M. Claude F. Lacroix à titre de président du Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne pour un mandat de deux ans

27 juin 2019 – Le 26 avril 2019, le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a voté en faveur de la nomination à la présidence de Maître Claude F. Lacroix pour un mandat de deux ans, avec entrée en vigueur dès la clôture de l’assemblée générale annuelle du Conseil du 21 juin 2019, date de l’échéance du mandat de la présidente actuelle, Mme Jennifer Witty. Me Lacroix est membre...

La Laurentienne nomme trois nouveaux membres au Conseil des gouverneurs

(29 octobre 2020) Trois membres communautaires dynamiques se sont joints au Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne. Ils possèdent des expériences et des antécédents culturels divers et exercent d’importants rôles de leadership dans nos communautés.   « Les membres du Conseil jouent un rôle critique dans l’orientation de l’Université et ces trois nouveaux membres affichent...

L’École d’administration des sports fête ses 50 ans

(17 octobre 2022) - L’École d’administration des sports (SPAD) a toutes les raisons d’être fière : plus de 300 diplômés et étudiants actuels se sont réunis en célébration du 50e anniversaire de SPAD, le temps de participer ce week-end à une série d’événements et de récolter plus de $ 50 000 en dons de soutien aux étudiants. Ces événements ont vu tenir au Liberty Grand de...

Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne approuve le budget annuel 2024-2025

26 avril 2024 - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a approuvé le budget annuel pour l’année 2024-2025. Ce budget est axé sur l’amélioration de l’expérience étudiante, l’investissement dans la transformation de l’Université et la mise en œuvre du nouveau Plan stratégique...

L'UL approuve un budget pluriannuel ambitieux

25 juin. 2012 - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l'Université Laurentienne a approuvé aujourd’hui à l’unanimité un budget équilibré de 132 100 000 $ pour 2012-2013 ainsi qu’un budget pluriannuel jusqu’à 2017-2018 pour arriver aux résultats prévus dans le Plan stratégique quinquennal de...

L'Université Laurentienne crée de nouvelles facultés en santé, éducation et études supérieures

Le Sénat de l’Université Laurentienne a approuvé une nouvelle structure des facultés, ce qui se traduit par une réorganisation de nombreux départements et écoles de l’UL.    La Faculté de la santé et la Faculté de l’éducation remplaceront la Faculté des écoles professionnelles. La Faculté des sciences et de génie portera dorénavant le nom de Faculté des sciences, de...

Nomination de lanouvelle vice-rectrice à l’administration de L’Université Laurentienne

21 decembre 2017​ - L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de Mme Lorella Hayes, CPA, CA, au poste de vice-rectrice à l’administration. Elle entrera en fonction le 15 janvier 2018 et sera responsable d’un dossier considérable qui comprend un personnel de 133 membres à plein temps et un budget de 182 000 000 $. À la suite d’une vaste campagne de recrutement,...

L’Association générale des étudiantes et étudiants élit son équipe de direction pour 2022-2023

(3 mai, 2022) - L’Association générale des étudiant(e)s (AGE/SGA) a récemment tenu des élections afin de choisir ses leaders pour 2022-2023. Avery Morin, qui commencera à l’automne la 3e année d’études en Behavioural Neuroscience et Concurrent Education, sera la nouvelle présidente de l’AGE/SGA. Elle entrera en fonction avec les autres dirigeantes étudiantes élues en juin : ...

L’Association des étudiants et étudiantes francophones élit ses dirigeants pour 2022-2023

(3 mai, 2022) - L’Association des étudiantes et étudiants francophones (AÉF) a récemment tenu des élections afin de choisir ses leaders pour 2022-2023. Les nouveaux dirigeants entreront en fonction en mai et l’étudiante Hemliss Konan assumera le rôle de présidente. Étudiante étrangère de la Côte d’Ivoire en Afrique de l’Ouest, Mme Konan est inscrite à la troisième année en science...

Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne nomme Mme Tammy Manitowabi

(15 décembre 2022) - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a ajouté à son effectif une autre leader communautaire chevronnée en nommant Mme Tammy Manitowabi à un mandat de trois ans qui commence ce mois-ci.   « Nous sommes chanceux qu’une autre dirigeante de la communauté se retrousse les manches pour prêter un soutien à l’Université Laurentienne sur la voie...

« Partout où je vais, j’entends ce qui suit : nous avons besoin de personnel infirmier. »

6 mai, 2024 - Pour célébrer la Semaine nationale des soins infirmiers (6-12 mai), il n’est pas nécessaire de regarder loin pour voir que l’avenir de la profession est entre de bonnes mains. Deux futurs infirmiers sont sur des trajectoires parallèles à l’Université Laurentienne. Joseph « Joe » Colasimone, originaire de Sudbury, est diplômé de la St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School. Caleb...

Five Laurentian Graduates to be honoured by the university's alumni association at this year's Distinguished Alumni Awards

The Laurentian University Alumni Association (LUAA) will honour five outstanding graduates at this year’s  Distinguished Alumni Awards to be held on Thursday, October 11, 2018, at the McEwen School of Architecture. The recipients of the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards are: Rising Star Achievement Award – Ashley Kirwan (B.Sc. ’08, M.Sc. ’17), Co-founder, President, CEO and...

Dr. Michel Delorme appointed dean of the Faculty of Management

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Michel Delorme as dean of the Faculty of Management for a period of five years, effective July 1, 2019. Dr. Delorme has held several leadership positions in American and European universities, such as director of Simmons University School of Business (Boston, USA), vice-president of academic...

Local Business Born from Industrious Beginnings

May 15, 2024 - For Jean-François (JF) Démoré, having a strong business sense came naturally. A Laurentian University alumnus from École secondaire catholique Champlain in Chelmsford, Ontario, not only did JF pursue his academics at Laurentian, but it’s where he also got started in entrepreneurship. Choosing Laurentian for his postsecondary education was simple for JF. He was familiar with...

Laurentian Graduates Turning Ideas into Innovation

(November 23, 2023) - For Global Entrepreneurship Week 2023, which fell from November 13th to 17th, The Foundry spotlighted one Laurentian University graduate entrepreneur each day of the week. The Foundry is an initiative run by Laurentian to enable innovators within the university to ideate, create, and develop ideas that can go on to become startup companies or social enterprises. Housed...

Jonathan Goodman named Executive in Residence at Laurentian University’s School of Commerce

May 12, 2014 – Laurentian University’s School of Commerce has appointed Jonathan Goodman as its new Executive in Residence. As Executive in Residence, Mr. Goodman will participate in faculty meetings, in particular those related to curriculum development and planning. He will also create opportunities to interact and be available to students at Laurentian’s Sudbury, Barrie and Global...

Laurentian to honour two distinguished Canadians at 2018 Spring Convocation

Laurentian University will award honorary doctorates to two outstanding individuals during its 2018 Spring Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury. “Each year, we pay tribute to exceptional Canadians who have led the way in their respective fields,” said Laurentian University Chancellor Steve Paikin.  “Our honorary doctorate recipients are highly talented and engaged individuals who serve as...

Laurentian University Board of Governors welcomes new Chair

APRIL 15, 2016 – The Laurentian University Board of Governors today voted unanimously to appoint Jennifer Witty as incoming Chair for a one-year term, effective June 2016, when the term of current Chair Michael Atkins is complete. Ms. Witty has been a board member since 2005 and currently serves as Vice-Chair.   “We are fortunate to have a board member with the...

Goodman Family Invests in Laurentian University’s School of Mines

October 15, 2012 - Ned Goodman, CEO of Dundee Corporation, and The Goodman Family Foundation - JODAMADA, announced today a historic gift to Laurentian University’s new School of Mines. In recognition of the Goodman family’s generosity, Laurentian University President Dominic Giroux announced that the university will name the school in the Goodman family’s honour. Ned Goodman’s business...

Laurentian Board of Governors welcomes four new members

February 02, 2016 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce four new members have been appointed to the Board of Governors. Stuart Harshaw, Brian Lyle Montgomery, Yves Pelletier and Tina Sartoretto have each been appointed to a three-year term.    Mr. Stuart Harshaw is the new Vice President of Vale's Ontario Operations at Vale Canada Limited. He was previously...

Dominic Giroux Named CEO of Health Sciences North and HSN Research Institute

The Health Sciences North (HSN) and HSN Research Institute (HSNRI) Board of Directors announced today that Dominic Giroux, the President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University, will be the new President and Chief Executive Officer of HSN and HSNRI effective October 2, 2017. Located in Greater Sudbury, HSN ranks among Ontario’s largest academic health sciences centres and among Canada’s...

Jennifer Abols appointed Executive Director of the Goodman School of Mines and President and CEO of MIRARCO

SUDBURY, ON. Oct. 30, 2019 --  Laurentian University and its Mining Innovation Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation (MIRARCO) are pleased to announce the appointment of Jennifer Abols as the next Executive Director of the Goodman School of Mines and President and CEO of MIRARCO effective November 4th, 2019. When Dr. Bruce Jago completed his term as Founding Executive Director...

Vernon Cameron elected as Chair of Laurentian University Board of Governors

(June 12, 2023) - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Vernon Cameron as the incoming Chair of the Board of Governors, effective July 1st, 2023. Cameron's extensive leadership experience and commitment to higher education make him an exceptional choice to lead the Board during this transformative period. “I am looking forward to continuing to provide leadership...

Faculty achievements recognized and celebrated at campus event

July 5, 2023 - On June 15, 2023, Laurentian University faculty members were invited by Dr. Brenda Brouwer, Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic and Dr. Tammy Eger, Vice President Research, to an event that recognized and celebrated their many achievements or those of their colleagues.  “Faculty at Laurentian University are instrumental in fostering an inclusive and positive...

Laurentian University secures international accreditation for its business programs

JUNE 22, 2016 – Laurentian University secured international EPAS accreditation for its on-campus Bachelor of Business Administration program, as well as for its Bachelor of Commerce in Sports Administration, Canada’s only business degree in Sports Administration. As of May 2016, 98 business programs in 72 universities in 33 countries had the EPAS accreditation, mostly in...

Sault College and Laurentian University Ink 2 + 2 Agreement

Sault College and Laurentian University signed a milestone agreement that offers business students a unique opportunity to complete their diploma and degree in four years. This new partnership further strengthens each institution’s commitment to providing quality education. Under the agreement, Laurentian University will recognize applications from Sault College students who have completed the...

Laurentian Appoints New Dean of Faculty of Management

April 19, 2013 - The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved the appointment of Dr. Stephen J. Havlovic as the new Dean of the Faculty of Management. The appointment will be effective July 1st, 2013. Dr. Havlovic is currently Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Alfred State College of the State University of New York (SUNY). In this role, he has...

LU Business Students Head to South Korea for the International Business Plan Competition 2019

October 16, 2019 -- Laurentian University is proud to announce that a team of students from the Business Administration program will be heading to Daejeon, South Korea, to participate in the International Business Plan Competition 2019 hosted by SolBridge International School of Business. The event runs from October 27th to November 2nd. The Laurentian students are the first and only...

Laurentian, Waubetek lay groundwork for future cooperation

(TORONTO, March 3, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to announce the signing of a letter of interest with Waubetek Business Development Corporation today at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention in Toronto. This letter paves the way for cooperation between the institutions under the banner of Waubetek’s Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Mineral...

Laurentian University students to represent Canada on the international stage

November 22, 2018 – The Faculty of Management of Laurentian University is proud to announce that six of its students will be representing Canada at the 22nd International Workshop in Russia from April 6 to 19, 2019.  Organized by South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences of Germany and hosted by M.I. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) of Russia, the...

Engineering grad turning heads in Silicon Valley by turning waste into fuels

(January 26, 2023) - It sounds like something out of a movie - turning trash into valuable goods. For Monem Alyaser, Ph.D, it’s an average day in Silicon Valley.  Alyaser is the Founder and CEO of Enventix, Inc, a company established in 2010 to develop advanced thermo-chemical systems for the conversion of non recyclable waste paper and plastics, biomass and shredded tires to...

Desjardins commits $300,000 to improving the student experience

May 6, 2019 - While the academic year has just finished at universities across the country, Desjardins has announced their commitment towards improving the student experience at Laurentian University with a $300,000 investment.  ‘I’m very proud of this donation because it illustrates our commitment to youth and education. One of our priorities at Desjardins is to serve Canadian youth by...


October 10, 2012 Laurentian Commerce Professor wins ‘Best Research Paper’ at International Conference in Peru Professor of Business Administration Mohammad S. Pakkar was awarded a “Best Paper” citation at the International Conference on Business Performance Measurement and Management (ICBPMM) last month in Peru.  His paper was one of only two research...

An innovative strengthened collaboration among Laurentian University, Collège Boréal and La Cité

Sudbury (ON), January 26, 2016 – Laurentian University, Collège Boréal and La Cité signed an articulation agreement today to accelerate the process of obtaining a Bachelor of Business Administration for graduates of Ontario’s two francophone colleges.   As of September 2016, graduates of the two-year Business Administration programs at Collège...

Laurentian University Announces New Vice-President Finance and Administration, Sylvie Lafontaine

October 17, 2023 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Sylvie Lafontaine as its new Vice-President Finance and Administration. In this role, Lafontaine will provide strategic financial and operational leadership to the University at this especially important time in the University’s transformation. Lafontaine is a bilingual executive with over 25 years of...

Craig Fowler named Associate Vice-President in Barrie

June 20, 2012 - Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux today announced the appointment of Craig Fowler as the first Associate Vice-President, Administration and External Relations for Laurentian in Barrie.    Fowler will champion high quality services and supports for students, faculty and staff at Laurentian in Barrie.  He will be responsible for the...

Laurentian launches online Master of Health Administration (MHA)

(February 23, 2023) - In a partnership between the graduate Nursing and Master of Business Administration programs, Laurentian University has officially launched the Master of Health Administration (MHA). This unique, comprehensive, and accessible graduate program is now accepting applications for students to begin their studies in September 2023.  “The program has been designed to meet...

Laurentian University Congratulates Lucie Moncion on Appointment as Senator

Laurentian University’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Dominic Giroux added his congratulations today to Lucie Moncion on her appointment as independent senator representing Ontario. “We are proud to see Laurentian alumna Lucie Moncion appointed to Senate for her impressive career achievements,” said Dominic Giroux.  “Her extensive background and expertise make her a wonderful selection...

Student Spotlight: a passion for sport

(October 24, 2023) - Even when faced with adversity, Hilmi Ordukiran, a third-year Sports Administration student at Laurentian University, led with kindness and determination down a winding road to follow his passion and land where he is today. Before pursuing a career in sports administration, Hilmi was on track to becoming an engineer. He began a degree in Metallurgy in Istanbul, Turkey...

Sports Administration Graduate named Chicago Blackhawks GM

(March 9, 2022) - It wasn’t too long ago that Kyle Davidson completed his final exam at Laurentian University in the School of Sports Administration, and now the Sudbury native has been named General Manager of the Chicago Blackhawks.  A graduate of the 2010 class of the Sports Administration (SPAD) program, Davidson, 33, began his career with the Blackhawks as a Hockey Operations...

LU appoints three new members to its Board of Governors

(October 29, 2020) A dynamic trio of community members have been added to Laurentian University’s Board of Governors. The three new board members represent a variety of experiences, cultural backgrounds, further holding significant leadership roles  in our communities.  “Our Board members play a critical role in guiding the University and these three new members have key qualities...

Laurentian University to award six honourary doctorates

May 26, 2015 – Six distinguished Canadians from the spheres of social activism, architecture, business and the arts will be awarded Honourary Doctorates by Laurentian University at Spring 2015 Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury and Barrie.   Honourary Doctorate recipients include:    Craig Kielburger (May 27th, 2:00 pm, Barrie, ON) Craig Kielburger is a social...

Laurentian Students Win Second Place at International Business Plan Competition in South Korea

A team of students from Laurentian University won second place during the finals of the 7th International Business Plan Competition at the SolBridge International School of Business in South Korea. Our team is the first and only Canadian team to be invited to this competition. The team is comprised of Daniel Boileau, Stephane Lauzon, Sarah Napoli and Maxime Leduc.   “I would like to...

Five members appointed to Laurentian University Board of Governors by the Province of Ontario

(December 21, 2021) As part of Laurentian University's commitment to an accelerated process of Board renewal and  in connection with the financial support package provided by the Province of Ontario, it is pleased to welcome five incoming members to its Board of Governors. These volunteer members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC) and will hold office for a one-year...

Laurentian University to offer 10 new French-language or bilingual programs in engineering and management as of 2016

November 13, 2015 – Starting in September 2016, Laurentian University will expand its French-language programming. The Bharti School of Engineering will launch three bilingual bachelor’s degree programs – in Chemical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering – with at least 50% of courses to be offered in French. In addition, the Faculty of Management will initiate a Bachelor of Business...

Students turn class project into community building and charitable ventures

(December 1, 2021) - Laurentian University's School of Sports Administration consistently recruits, retains and graduates top students. Amongst their current student body include longtime best friends Tommy Vlahos and Alex Cimino. Born and raised in Sudbury, both are fourth year students who with their friend and producer, Mason Savage, founded the podcast Behind the Bench (BTB). The podcast...

Laurentian University Board of Governors announce three new appointments

(August 15, 2023) - The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to welcome three new members, Brian Ramakko, Jean-Pierre (Jay) Barbeau, and Kevin Eshkawkogan. The appointments of these members were confirmed at the Board of Governors meeting on July 13, 2023 for 3-year terms. “We are pleased to have three new community members extend their exceptional experience and knowledge to...

Future-forward industry research driven by collaboration

December 7, 2023 - When we think of problem solving, we think of mathematics but when it comes to Dr. Luckny Zéphyr’s research, problem solving far exceeds numerics to profoundly impact the environment, community and academia. A proud Haitian Canadian citizen, Dr. Luckny Zéphyr, Associate Professor with the School of Business Administration, is an entrepreneur and a scholar. In 2014 the...

New office will support young entrepreneurs on Sudbury campuses

December 22, 2014 – A full-time Entrepreneurship Coordinator hired at Laurentian University will work to develop a strong and vibrant entrepreneurial culture for post-secondary students and recent graduates in the Greater Sudbury region.  The position has been created through an On Campus Entrepreneurship Activities grant awarded to Laurentian University in collaboration with...

Hatch donates $250,000 to the Bharti School of Engineering

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 – Hatch announced today a $250,000 commitment to Laurentian University over five years. The donation will provide a scholarship fund for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University’s Bharti School of Engineering.  With accredited programs in Mining, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, the Bharti School of Engineering is recognized as...

Students Shine During The Fourth Annual Goodman Gold Challenge

SUDBURY, Ont. (February 24, 2020) - Mining students from far and wide descended on Sudbury earlier this month for the annual Goodman Gold Challenge (GGC). A unique and realistic mining investment case competition, the participants came from seven different universities across Canada. The teams were tasked with evaluating business cases made by three companies, and justifying which would make...

Students go for gold at the 5th annual Goodman Gold Challenge

(February 15, 2023) - The Goodman Gold Challenge (GGC) held a special Battery Metal Edition this year from February 2-4 that saw teams from 7 Canadian and 1 American university compete in a very realistic mining investment case competition. Organized by the Goodman School of Mines at Laurentian University and presented by Kinross Gold as the title sponsor, teams were tasked to evaluate and...

Laurentian University Adds James Gallagher to Board of Governors

(April 24, 2023) - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors has added another experienced executive as James Gallagher has been appointed to serve for a three year term, beginning this month. “As a long-time business leader in the mining industry, James is very well respected and understands the potential for Laurentian to support industry partners. His experiences will help the Board...

Laurentian names new Vice-President, Administration

December 21, 2017 - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the nomination of Lorella Hayes, CPA, CA, to the position of Vice-President, Administration.  Mrs. Hayes will commence her role on January 15, 2018 leading a significant portfolio that includes 133 full-time employees and responsibility for a $182 million budget.   After an extensive search, Ms. Hayes has...

School of Sports Administration Celebrates 50th Anniversary

(October 17, 2022) - The School of Sports Administration (SPAD) has a lot to be proud of today as over 300 alumni and students came together for a full weekend of events during the SPAD 50th Anniversary, raising over $50,000 in donations to support students.  Events were headlined by a Fundraising Gala at the Liberty Grand in Toronto, which attracted graduates from all 50...

Laurentian University Board of Governors Appoints Tammy Manitowabi

(December 15, 2022) - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors has added another experienced community leader to its ranks as Tammy Manitowabi has been appointed to serve for a three year term, beginning this month.  “We are fortunate to have another community leader step up to help Laurentian University on its path forward. Tammy’s experiences in community building and public...

Laurentian University’s Board of Governors Approves 2024-2025 Annual Budget

April 26, 2024 - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors have approved the University’s annual budget for the 2024-2025 year. The forecasted budget is focused on improving the student experience, investing in the University’s transformation, and supporting the implementation of the newly approved 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. “This budget will enable us to unlock the...

University prepares for Open House, March 12, 2022

(March 3, 2022) - As Laurentian University welcomes back students with the resumption of in-person classrooms this week, the university community is also preparing to welcome many more future students at the March 12th Open House.  Laurentian’s Liaison Services delivers the event and supports the future student journey towards post secondary education. Liaison is the first point of...

Laurentian Honours Six Outstanding Canadians

May 27, 2013 - A former mayor of Barrie, the long-time CEO of Science North, and a renowned advocate for minority language rights are among the people being awarded Honourary Doctorates from Laurentian University this spring. “Our honourary doctorate recipients this year come from varied walks of life, but all of them have made their communities better through their passion and...

Laurentian names first Manager of Energy and Sustainability

September 11 , 2014 – Benchmarking of energy consumption, composting in residences and a zero-waste cafeteria: these are just a few of the initiatives in progress as Laurentian University advances its ‘green agenda’ under Kati McCartney, Manager, Energy and Sustainability.  “This position is new to Laurentian, but the University is already recognized as an...

Laurentian University names new Director of Development

September 30th, 2014 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Kristy Rousseau as the new Director of Development.  As Director, Rousseau will oversee and direct all development programs and fundraising activities. She will provide strategic vision, overall direction and guidance to the development team on all fundraising programs. “We are thrilled to have...

Laurentian University Leaving Barrie After 15 Years

February 12, 2016 – After delivering programs at Georgian College in Barrie since 2001 and in Orillia from 2004 to 2013, the Board of Governors of Laurentian University decided today, after careful consideration of all options available in exercising its fiduciary responsibilities, to no longer resource Arts and Management programs in Barrie as of May 2017, and to no longer...

Laurentian University Facing COVID-19-Related Challenges

Sudbury, Ontario, April 29, 2020 — Laurentian University today announced that it is facing significant financial challenges arising from COVID-19. While the full impacts of the pandemic on the university sector remain to be seen and understood, COVID-19 and other pre-existing financial pressures require the University to amend and accelerate its sustainability plan to address a shortfall of...

Students unite in support of Black History Month

(February 15, 2022) - At Laurentian University, there are many student-led clubs, organizations, and associations. When like-minded students share a common interest, they are encouraged to organize. This helps foster an enhanced sense of community amongst students. The Laurentian University African and Caribbean Student Association (LUACSA) is one such association making a tremendous...

Laurentian University Hiring 12 New Limited Term Faculty Members

(August 17, 2022) - Laurentian University is investing in the faculty complement by adding 12 limited-term faculty members across multiple academic departments. The roles will support teaching and learning for the upcoming academic year and will extend into the 2023 academic year. The wide range of programs and schools for which faculty members are being sought includes: School of...

Laurentian University Board adds expertise with four new members

(December 1, 2022) - The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to welcome four new members with the recent appointments of Aaron Barry, André Guay, Angela Recollet, and Laura Kurkimaki to three-year terms. “We are thrilled to see the depth of experience and expertise within our Board bolstered by these outstanding leaders,” said Jeff Bangs, Chair of the Board of Governors....

Student General Association elects 2023-2024 leadership

The SGA-AGÉ 2023-2024 executive team from left to right: Timi Aliu, Avery Morin, Zareen Brown and Isaac Vestby.   (May 3, 2023) - Laurentian University’s Students’ General Association (SGA-AGÉ) recently held its annual elections for incoming 2023-2024 leadership. Avery Morin, who begins her 4th year in Behavioural Neuroscience and Concurrent Education this fall is eager to lead the...

LU Approves Ambitious Multi-Year Budget

June 25, 2012 - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors unanimously approved a balanced budget of $132.1 million for 2012-2013, as well as a multi-year budget until 2017-18 aligned with the outcomes identified in the University’s five-year Strategic Plan. The budget was presented to the Board of Governors after a broad consultation process, seeing over 300 students, faculty and...

Laurentian creates new faculties in health, education and graduate studies

March 19, 2014 - The Laurentian University Senate approved a new Faculty structure, re-organizing and aligning many of the University’s schools and departments.   The existing Faculty of Professional Schools will be replaced by a Faculty of Health and a Faculty of Education. The existing Faculty of Science and Engineering will be renamed the Faculty of Science, Engineering and...

Laurentian University Appoints Assistant Vice-President Equity, Diversity and Human Rights

February 3, 2016 –Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Noël A. J. Badiou as Assistant Vice-President, Equity, Diversity and Human Rights, effective April 1, 2016. Reporting to both the Vice-President, Academic and Provost and the Vice-President, Administration, Mr. Badiou will lead the University community in fostering an inclusive and respectful learning and...

Graduate Students’ Association elect 2022-2023 leadership

(November 3, 2022) - Recently, Laurentian University’s Graduate Students Association (GSA) held its annual elections for 2022-2023 leadership. Meghan McCue, Ph.D. candidate in the Biomolecular Sciences program is the newly elected GSA President. McCue is a Sudburian who graduated from Lockerby Composite Secondary School (2013). She and other elected student leaders, will serve the GSA for...

“Everywhere I go, I hear, ‘We need nurses!’”

May 6, 2024 - To celebrate National Nursing Week (May 6-12) we don’t have to look far to see that the future of the profession is in skilled hands. Two future nurses are on parallel trajectories at Laurentian University. Joseph “Joe” Colasimone is from Sudbury, a graduate of St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School. Caleb Smith is from Azilda, a graduate of École secondaire...

Laurentian University appoints new director of alumni relations

September 10, 2014 - A selection committee with representatives from the Laurentian University Alumni Association, academic and non-academic colleagues unanimously approved the appointment of Rachel Chisholm as Director of Alumni Relations. The appointment is effective September 22, 2014.   Ms. Chisholm will provide leadership and strategic direction to the university community...


La famille Reilly

Nous remercions Nina Reilly, ancienne de la Laurentienne (B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering ‘85), d’avoir pris le temps de nous raconter l’histoire de sa famille de son domicile à Calgary, en Alberta ce mois. L’histoire de la famille Reilly à l’Université Laurentienne a commencé avant que l’université a porté ce nom. Irvine Reilly, père de Nina, B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD, a commencé ses études à...

Nicole Tardif

Les femmes dans les domaines des sciences, de la technologie, de l’ingénierie et des mathématiques (STIM) font des échos partout dans le monde. Même si ces domaines ont été dominés traditionnellement par les hommes, les professionnelles se font de plus en plus valoir en dépit de l’inégalité des sexes qui continue d’exister. Mme Nicole Tardif est l’une de ces femmes leaders de STIM dans le...

Institut de marketing du sport

[tabs border="no"] [tab title="IMS"] Programmes de recherche Dans le passé, l’IMS a accompli toute une série de projets de partenariat avec Gatorade, effectué une étude intitulée « Sponsorship Landscape Study » pour le CSF et contribué à l’Encyclopedia of Sports Marketing and Management, à une étude de l’expérience étudiante dans les établissements postsecondaires, à une étude...


  Note: Veuillez noter que l'option d'un certificat n'est pas disponible et est actuellement en cours de revue interne. L’Ecole de commerce et d’administration offre depuis 2006 un programme en planification financière en ligne. Le programme de Certificat en planification financière en ligne est un programme universitaire de 30 crédits accrédité par le Conseil relatif aux...

Luciano Galasso | B. Com

Luciano Galasso, CA CPA, ICD.D, est un ancien de l'Université Laurentienne (B. Com 1979) et un individu inspiré par le nord. Luciano se souvient avec tendresse de l'Université Laurentienne pour son campus magnifique au nord de l'Ontario, ses classes peu-nombreuses, son travail de groupe et le dévouement de la faculté. Il est reconnaissant de ces expériences éducatives uniques qui l’ont...

Gary J. Michalak

Même si beaucoup de personnes prennent le temps de réfléchir à leur carrière, d’autres, comme M. Gary Michalak, savent depuis l’enfance ce qu’elles feront dans leur vie professionnelle. Quand il était un jeune athlète, Gary a décidé qu’il mettrait à profit les qualités de leadership acquises en jouant de nombreux sports afin d’aider les autres à réaliser leurs objectifs. Cet apprenant à vie a...

Proposition de condemnation

ATTENDU QUE la vérificatrice générale de l’Ontario a publié son Rapport spécial sur l’Université Laurentienne le 17 novembre 2022; ATTENDU QUE ce rapport inclut de nombreuses révélations choquantes et scandaleuses sur la mauvaise gestion imprudente et en fin de compte désastreuse de l’Université Laurentienne par la haute direction entre 2010 et 2021; ATTENDU QUE ce rapport conclut que,...

Bienvenue aux chercheurs en provenance de Barrie 

Le 2 mai 2017, nous avons accueilli au campus de l’Université Laurentienne à Sudbury les professeurs en provenance de Barrie. Dans le cadre de l’orientation/bienvenue d’une journée, le Bureau des services de recherche (BSR) leur a fait une présentation afin de les mettre au courant des divers services de soutien à la recherche, que propose la Laurentienne. Ils ont également été invités à...

Centre étudiant

Le Centre étudiant de la Laurentienne est une bonne place où discuter, étudier ou se détendre. Il est doté de salons, d’un foyer, d’un café équitable et d’une zone de télévision et de jeux avec des tables de billard, du hockey sur coussin d’air, des consoles XBox, l’accès gratuit au Wi-Fi et des télévisions grand écran. C’est un lieu de rassemblement pour les personnes qui veulent retrouver...

M. Jean-Marc Edmé

Directeur du personnel des Redblacks d’Ottawa, M. Jean-Marc Edmé a reçu un baccalauréat spécialisé en commerce – administration des sports de l’Université Laurentienne en 2008. En se remémorant son séjour à la Laurentienne, il conserve de beaux souvenirs des activités de l’Association des étudiants antillais, comme les galas multiculturels, les repas-partage et les défilés de mode....

David Munch

L’état des soins aux personnes âgées dans nos collectivités a beaucoup changé en raison des restrictions et des menaces que fait planer la COVID-19. Pour beaucoup, notamment les aînés réputés à haut risque, une telle menace sans précédent pour la santé est certainement un facteur de stress important. David Munch (B.Com. 1995) et son équipe à Finlandia Village, à Sudbury, ont manifestement dû...

Kerry Moynihan

M. Kerry Moynihan, B.Com., n’oubliera jamais le moment que ses parents l’ont amené à l’Université Laurentienne pour sa première année d’études. Puisqu’il a été élevé à Toronto, en Ontario, la plupart des membres de sa famille avaient fait leurs études postsecondaires dans le sud de la province. Même si les premiers jours à Sudbury ont exigé toute une adaptation, il a vite rencontré...


Voici quelques publications recentes des professeurs du département de science économique :   Hassan Bougrine   Hassan Bougrine, 2017, The Creation of Wealth and Poverty: Means and Ways, New York and London: Routledge   Hassan Bougrine, 2017, ‘Rethinking the Economic Role of the State’ in Rochon, L. P. and S. Rossi (eds), A Modern Guide to Rethinking...

Conférence et salon d’innovation Discovery 2017

  La participation de l’Université Laurentienne à la conférence et salon d’innovation Discovery 2017, des centres d’excellence de l’ Ontario (CEO) Pour la douzième année consécutive, l’Université Laurentienne a participé à Découverte, une conférence et un salon sur l’innovation des Centres d’excellence de l’Ontario (CEO), événement qui a accueilli cette année plus de 3 600 visiteurs...


« Les discussions et l’interaction en classe constituent probablement la meilleure partie de l’apprentissage à la Laurentienne en ce sens que ma contribution, en tant qu’étudiante, est reconnue et valorisée. il existe ici un vrai sentiment d’appartenance. » Kathryn Shearer, Communication Studies/Concurrent Education, 4e année    « La diversité des sujets...

Budget 2019-2020 de l'Université Laurentienne

Aanii, Boozhoo, Kwe Kwe, Wachay! Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a approuvé un budget équilibré de 161 000 000 $ pour 2019-2020. Ce budget représente une croissance de 0,2 % par rapport à celui du dernier exercice et élimine le déficit de 4 400 000 $ de 2018-2019 tout en investissant dans les priorités indiquées dans notre Plan stratégique 2018-2023. Nous sommes...

Politique de liberté de parole (liberté d’expression)

Politique de liberté de parole (liberté d’expression) Instance administrative: Recteur et vice-chancelier Responsable de l’approbation: Conseil des gouverneurs Date d’approbation: 14 décembre 2018 Prochaine révision: juin 2019 Historique des révisions:    Objet Les objectifs et les buts de l’Université Laurentienne sont l’avancement du savoir et la...

Bienvenue au trimestre d’automne

Le trimestre d’automne bat son plein à l’Université Laurentienne. C’est avec grand plaisir que je souhaite la bienvenue à tous les étudiants (aux nouveaux et à ceux qui reviennent), au personnel et au corps professoral pour ce qui s’annonce une année universitaire remplie de possibilités. Cela a été ma première semaine d’orientation à l’Université Laurentienne, quoique l’emménagement dans...

Mario Grossi et Technica Mining

La ville de Sudbury est un centre minier mondial depuis plusieurs années. Technica Mining, une entreprise dirigée par Mario Grossi, le Président et Directeur Général, fournit des services incluant la conception technique, la construction, la maintenance, et la production, le tout dans une capacité souterraine. Après qu’il a complété son baccalauréat en commerce à l’université Laurentienne,...

Bonne et heureuse année, bonne reprise des cours

Le début de tout trimestre s’annonce toujours passionnant, mais plus encore cette année, car nous l’entamons sachant que nous commençons aussi une nouvelle décennie. Dans cette perspective, il est à espérer que vous rentrez des vacances, reposés et recentrés, avec un regain d’optimisme, puisque nous avons beaucoup de travail à faire en 2020 et un avenir qui se dirige vers 2030 avec beaucoup de...

Déclaration du recteur Robert Haché sur la grève des universitaires

Bonjour, Aanii, Hello, Nous sommes à la croisée de changements historiques et sociétaux significatifs. Ensemble, nos communautés élèvent la voix pour protester, le genou au sol, marcher, éduquer et prendre des mesures pour soutenir la justice et l’équité pour les personnes noires, autochtones et de couleur partout dans le monde. À la Laurentienne, nous nous sommes engagés à offrir à notre...

Un étudiant du BBA à la Laurentienne ouvre une pizzeria à succès

L’étudiant du baccalauréat en administration des affaires (BBA), M. Mac Brooks, a mis à profit cette année son esprit entrepreneurial afin d’ouvrir une pizzeria à succès, nommée Little Guys Pizza. « J’ai toujours rêvé de travailler à mon propre compte, a-t-il dit lors d’une entrevue avec la CBC Sudbury, sans relever de quelqu’un d’autre. » Même s’il a inauguré son restaurant à Azilda...

Chris Vitiello

Chris Vitiello | H.B.Com Si vous aurez parlé avec Chris Vitiello, diplômé en Commerce de l’Université Laurentienne au début de ses études, il n’aurait jamais cru qu’il naviguerait avec succès dans l’industrie alimentaire dans quelques années. Élevé dans la région Vallée-Est, Chris Vitiello reconnaît la signification d’être un entrepreneur local et l’importance de redonner à nos...

David Paquette

Même si la technologie évolue constamment, la dynamique des personnes dans un milieu de travail et leur importance à faire progresser l’organisme sont des choses qui ne changent pas. Ancien de l’Université Laurentienne qui est actuellement expert-conseil en gestion, coach pour les cadres et formateur en leadership, M. David Paquette a dévoué 26 ans de sa carrière à aider les...

Reconstruire quelque chose qui a été brisé

Dans les appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada (CVRC), il est indiqué que, « afin de remédier aux séquelles laissées par les pensionnats et de faire avancer le processus de réconciliation, 94 appels à l’action doivent être lancés aux personnes, aux organisations, aux collectivités locales et aux gouvernements ». Dans l’appel à l’action no 43, la Commission a...

Susan Manitowabi (Ph.D.) : un héritage de responsabilité partagée

Dire que Susan Manitowabi accomplit de nombreuses choses est un euphémisme. En effet, depuis son arrivée à l’Université Laurentienne, à l’été 2003, elle agit en leader à l’instar des acteurs de longue date du milieu de l’éducation autochtone : directrice du programme de Services sociaux pour les autochtones (anciennement), co-créatrice du programme de maîtrise en relations autochtones (MRA),...

La communauté l’emporte sur la formation : l’histoire de M. Jacob Pitawanakwat, étudiant de la Laurentienne

Même s’il a dû concilier le travail et la vie personnelle, l’étudiant de la Laurentienne, M. Jacob Pitawanakwat, a récemment terminé sa troisième année d’études en informatique. « Il y avait un va-et-vient entre le travail et les études, explique-t-il, avant que j’ais l’occasion d’être enseignant suppléant à plein temps. » Quand il n’était pas aux études, il faisait de la suppléance de la...

L'importance des sports universitaires

J’ai le privilège de me trouver dans une situation unique à titre de joueur et de spectateur. Je connais en effet les deux côtés des sports interuniversitaires et j’en fais ici le récit en m’attardant sur la façon dont le sport a façonné ma vie et peut profiter à tous les étudiants. Je suis actuellement en ma troisième année d’études à la Laurentienne et comme membre de l’équipe...

Baccalauréat en sciences infirmières pour infirmières et infirmiers autorisés (B.S.I.A.) (à distance)

Le programme de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières, offert à temps partiel, est basé sur une approche humaniste et scientifique, permettant de répondre aux besoins de santé des individus, des familles et des collectivités. Le concept fondamental du caring, comme orientation scientifique, est basé sur un système de valeurs qui vise la promotion de la santé afin de favoriser le...


L’Université Laurentienne s’engage à créer une communauté universitaire qui est à la fois sécuritaire et englobante pour tout le monde. De bons résultats dans les études, la vie et l’emploi découlent d’une responsabilité et d’un engagement concertés parmi la population étudiante, le personnel, le corps professoral et la haute administration. Pour continuer à améliorer sa culture d’inclusion, la...

Journées de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage - Programme

th { background-color: #003e7e; color: white; } td.tech { background-color: #bde9ba; } td.curator { background-color: #f9cb9c; } td.educator { background-color: #d5a6bd; } td.experimenter { background-color: #d9d2e9; } td.collaborator { background-color: #a2c4c9; } td.scholar { background-color: #fff2cc; } .table-responsive { padding } Jeudi, le 25 avril 2019 Édifice...

The Reilly Family

  Laurentian University runs in the family! This month, we were appreciative of Nina Reilly, Laurentian alumna (B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering ‘85), for making the time to share her family’s story with us all the way from her home in Calgary, Alberta.  The Reilly family’s time at Laurentian University dates back to even before the university bore that name. Irvine Reilly,...

Program Requirements


Nicole Tardif

Women in STEM, namely in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics are making waves all around the world. The fields have been predominantly male but are now seeing an increase in female professionals, despite the gender disparity that continues to exist. Nicole Tardif is one of those women that comes to mind when one thinks about strong leaders in STEM and in Northern...

About Us

Our Mandate The mandate Office of Academic and Indigenous Programs is to promote the development of initiatives that support Indigenous education and First Nations, Metis and Inuit student success. This is accomplished through leading the developing of Indigenous strategic initiatives with the Laurentian University Native Education Council and the general university community. More recent...

Commerce Co-op and Internships

[tabs border="no"] [tab title="Co-op"]   CO-OP OPTION Laurentian University’s School of Commerce offers Cooperative education option as part of the French-language Honours Bachelor of Commerce program.  Cooperative education is a partnership between the student, the employer and the University, contributing to a well-rounded Commerce and Business education. The practical...

School of Business Administration

Learn everything you need to be successful in business. The career of your dreams awaits! Prepare for a career in management in a large company or, better yet, like 20% of our graduates, in your very own business as an entrepreneur, wherever you come from and wherever you’d like to go. Vision The Marketing and Management Department is recognized for educating socially responsible...

History of the Sports Administration Program

The School of Sports Administration offers a limited enrollment, four-year interdisciplinary professional program that combines extensive exposure to the functional areas of business management with the practical and theoretical exposure to the sports industry. The Honours Bachelor of Commerce Sports Administration program (HBCom SPAD) will prepare individuals for positions of responsibility...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Bob Wanzel

  BOB WANZEL: THE GUIDING FORCE OF SPAD, IF NOT THE CREATOR  Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985   Bob Wanzel is many things to the Laurentian University Sports Administration program. The founding chairman of the ground-breaking initiative, Wanzel was a member of the 1967 Vanier Cup championship University of Alberta Golden Bears squad, the very institution...

Chris Vitiello

  If you had spoken with Laurentian Commerce graduate Chris Vitiello in the early years of his degree, he would never have believed that he’d be successfully navigating the food industry in just a few years’ time. Raised in the Valley East area, Chris Vitiello shares what it means to be a local entrepreneur, and the importance of giving back to our communities. Chris always knew...

School of Sports Administration

About the School of Sports Administration (SPAD) Our mission is to develop future business leaders, for the sport industry through an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving, industry integration, experiential learning, and innovative scholarship. The School of Sports Administration (SPAD) is the first undergraduate business school in sports management in Canada. While H.B.Com....

David Paquette

Technology may change but one thing remains the same: the dynamics between individuals in the workplace and their importance in helping organizations move forward. David Paquette is a Laurentian University alumnus who works as a management consultant, executive coach and leadership trainer. He has dedicated the past 26 years of his career to helping organizations and leaders implement change...

Gary J. Michalak

Many people take time to figure out what they would like to do with their careers; others, like Gary Michalak, know exactly what they are meant to do from an early age. As a young athlete, Gary realized he wanted to use the leadership skills he developed playing multiple sports to help those around him achieve their goals. A lifelong learner, Gary has continued to fuel his passion by helping to...

Melanie Morin

Can you have your cake and eat it too? Laurentian alumna Melanie Morin believes you can have it all, when it comes to your career that is. She is proud of how far she has come in her career, which stemmed from one key relationship and blossomed with one innovative idea, to become much more. Melanie graduated from Laurentian University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English...

Expenses Directive

Laurentian University is committed to maintaining high performance standards based on fair, ethical, legal, environmental and professional business practices. As such, Laurentian University abides by all government directives. On April 1, 2011, the Management Board of Cabinet issued the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Expense Directive. This Directive requires designated BPS...

Motion to Condemn

WHEREAS the Auditor General of Ontario released her Special Report on Laurentian University on 17 November 2022; and WHEREAS this report includes many shocking and scandalous revelations about our senior administration’s reckless and ultimately disastrous mismanagement of Laurentian University between 2010 and 2021; and WHEREAS this report concludes that, while our senior administrators...

Luciano Galasso | B. Com

Luciano Galasso, CA CPA, ICD.D is a northern-inspired individual and an alumnus of Laurentian University (B. Com 1979). Originally from Sudbury, Luciano fondly remembers Laurentian University for its beautiful northern Ontario campus, intimate class sizes, group work with classmates, and its dedicated and engaged faculty. He is grateful for these unique educational experiences that...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Céline Séguin

Céline Séguin – Core Values at Heart of Sports and Entertainment Success Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 Born and raised in Elliot Lake, the daughter of hard-working, self-employed parents, Céline Séguin was instilled early with the core values that have shaped her very successful career in both the sports and entertainment industries. Sliding over to her role as Vice President...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Honsing Leung

Honsing Leung - SPAD 1995 Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 Born in Hong Kong but moving to Canada at the age of six, Toronto Blue Jays’ Senior Manager of Client Services and LU Sports Administration alum Honsing Leung might not seem like a natural fit to a sport that he has loved for the better part of his 44 years. Yet here we are. With a little luck and some positive...

David Munch

The state of senior care in our communities has been largely different lately due to the impending restrictions and threats of the COVID-19 pandemic. An unprecedented health threat like this is certainly a large stressor for many people, especially for seniors who have been identified as high-risk. David Munch (B.Com. ’95) and his team at Finlandia Village in Sudbury have certainly needed to...

Laurentian BBA student opens a successful pizza restaurant

Bachelor of business administration student Mac Brooks has put his entrepreneurial spirit into practice this year, and opened a successful pizza restaurant called Little Guys Pizza. "It's always been a dream of mine to break out of working for other people and be my own boss," he told CBC Sudbury. While he opened the Azilda restaurant in the middle of a pandemic, he has been able to...

Policy on the Freedom of Speech (Freedom of Expression)

Policy on the Freedom of Speech (Freedom of Expression) Office of Administration: Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor Approval Authority: Board of Governors Approval Date: December 14, 2018 Next Review: June 2019 Review History:    Purpose Laurentian University’s objects and purposes are the advancement of learning, the...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - David Toswell

THE TOSWELL TSN TURNING POINT – LEGALLY SPEAKING Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985   The pathway for David Toswell (SPAD 1985) appeared to be fairly well laid out.  And then, it wasn’t. A native of North Bay and lover of all things sports in his youth, the academically inclined young man had pretty much always seen the Sports Administration program at Laurentian...


Laurentian offers a variety of undergraduate, graduate-level, and doctorate degrees. The university programs specialize in many fields, including arts, social sciences, technology, natural sciences, engineering, mining, geophysics, health, business management, finance, and forensics. Laurentian has developed an international reputation for research excellence and is one of the Province’s...

Jean-Marc Edmé

Laurentian Alumni Jean-Marc Edmé, Director of Personnel for the Ottawa Redblacks graduated Cum Laude, Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree in Sports Administration (SPAD) 2008. Reminiscing on his days at Laurentian University, he has fond yet distant memories of Laurentian University African Caribbean Students Association’s (LUACSA) multicultural galas, pot lucks, and fashion shows. LUACSA...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Dale Hooper

DALE HOOPER: REVIVING THE CAMARADERIE AND CONNECTION OF SPAD “Shouldn’t we have the same connection and camaraderie and support network within SPAD alumni that we had when we were going though the program at Laurentian?” Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 Incoming head of the SPAD Advisory Board Dale Hooper has a clear-cut vision of the ultimate end goal of his involvement with the...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Ken Peter

KEN PETER: A PROBLEM-SOLVING PATH, FROM SPAD TO PHYSIOTHERAPY Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 The lessons learned during the time one commits to the study of Sports Administration can be as wide and varied as the personalities who comprise the program’s impressive list of alumni. Those same lessons are also, quite often, life-long in nature, helping to navigate the circuitous...

The Importance of University Athletics

I am privileged to be in a situation where I have experienced both sides of university athletics, as a player and as a spectator. Here is my story of how athletics shaped my life and how they can benefit all students.   I am currently in my third year at Laurentian and I have been a player on the varsity men’s soccer team for that entire period. Playing sports in a post-secondary...

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Celeste Pedri-Spade Bio: Celeste Pedri-Spade is an Ojibwe scholar from the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation in northwestern Ontario. She is currently the inaugural Associate Provost of Indigenous Initiatives at McGill University where she is a tenured professor in the department of anthropology. Prior to McGill, she was an Associate Professor of Indigenous...

Hello Laurentian University!

Hello Laurentian University.   I want to take a moment to introduce myself.  The business card says Dr. Robert Haché, but I prefer to be called Rob. It has been an incredibly busy few months preparing to step into the role of Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor.  It has felt a bit like a whirlwind, but I have already had the opportunity to meet and engage...

Mario Grossi and Technica Mining

Sudbury, Ontario has been a global mining hub and leader for years. Technica Mining, a contracting company led by Mario Grossi, President and CEO, provides services including but not limited to engineering design, construction, maintenance, and production, all in an underground capacity. After completing his Commerce degree at Laurentian University, Mario founded Technica Mining in 1999,...

Nursing student strives to help fight COVID-19 on the frontlines

When Tyler Pretty isn’t on the front lines screening Glencore employees, you will likely find him volunteering with Greater Sudbury Community COVID-19 Response & Relief, where he is  delivering groceries to people unable to leave their homes to buy essential items.  “We have just recently served our 100th family!” Pretty proudly states, on the cusp of entering his fourth...

Kerry Moynihan

Kerry Moynihan (B.Com. SPAD) still remembers his parents dropping him off in Sudbury to begin his first year at Laurentian University. Kerry grew up in Toronto, ON, and most of his family members before him completed their postsecondary studies in southern Ontario. Although his first few days in Sudbury were an adjustment, Kerry soon met some of his lifelong friends,...

Karen J. Pheasant-Neganigwane

                                      Maamwi. Together. Ensemble. This is how we understand the past and learn to move forward hand-in-hand as a community. Listening, understanding and initiating change are all crucial to how we move...

Anik Dennie, Recipient of the Research Innovation Award

Anik Dennie, a recent graduate of the Masters of Human Kinetics program, received the Research Innovation Award during Research Week 2019 for her work with Dr. Joël Dickinson on the LGBTQ2-S Safe Space Training. Safe Space Training is an initiative that came out of the 2012 Sexuality and Gender Diversity Climate Survey conducted by Laurentian’s Sexuality and Gender Diversity Committee which...

Purchasing Policy

Laurentian University is committed to maintaining high standards for performance based on fair, ethical, legal, environmental, and professional business practices. The University, its employees and agents shall procure goods and services in an open, fair and transparent manner and in a competitive environment, so that all transactions yield the optimal benefit to the University in the...

Black History Month

Sudbury Five Game Friday, February 2, 2024 7:00 p.m.  Sudbury Arena, Downtown Sudbury $25.00 per person Tickets available at www.thefive.ca Join the Laurentian University African and Caribbean Students Association (LUACSA) at the Sudbury Arena for a Sudbury Five basketball game against the Newfoundland Rogues. This game serves as more than...

Welcome to the Fall Academic Term

The Fall Academic term is in full swing at Laurentian University. It is with great pleasure that I welcome all new and returning students, staff and faculty members for what is shaping up to be an academic year filled with opportunity. This was my first orientation week at Laurentian University, although I am no stranger to residence move-in weekend. From my own time in University, to being...

Student Centre

The SGA Student Centre is a great place to chat, study or unwind. It has lounge areas, a fireplace, a fairtrade coffee shop, and television/games area featuring pool tables, air hockey, Xbox consoles, free wi-fi and big screen televisions. It’s a meeting place for students who want to catch up, review notes in a group setting or reach their online friends.   Student Associations...

Happy New Year and Return to Classes

The start of an academic term is always an exciting time, but this year we begin our term at the start of a new decade. Hopefully you are returning from your holidays rested, refocused, and with a renewed sense of optimism. There is much work to do in 2020 and just imagine the potential for Laurentian by 2030.   Being as this is my first blog since November, I wanted to share some...

Dr. Susan Manitowabi: A legacy of shared responsibility

To say Dr. Susan Manitowabi gets a lot done is an understatement. Since she came to Laurentian University in the summer of 2003, she has been a long-standing leader in the Indigenous education community at Laurentian. Susan chaired the (former) Native Human Services Program, was involved in the creation of the Master of Indigenous Relations (MIR) program, co-founded the Maamwizing Indigenous...

2019-2020 Laurentian University Budget

Aanii, Boozhoo, Kwe Kwe, Wachay! The Laurentian University Board of Governors has approved a balanced $161M budget for 2019-20.  This represents a growth of 0.2% over last year’s budget and eliminates the $4.4M deficit we had to run in 2018-19 while investing in priorities outlined in our 2018-23 strategic plan. We face a challenging fiscal context, amplified by a series of...

Statement from President Robert Haché on the Scholars Strike

Hello, Aanii, Bonjour, We are at the crossroads of meaningful historical and societal change -- together, our communities are raising their voices in protest, taking a knee, marching, educating and taking action in support of justice and equity for Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Colour around the globe.  We at Laurentian are committed to providing our community with...

To Rebuild Something that Has Been Broken

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action states “In order to begin to redress the legacy of the residential school system and advance the process of reconciliation in Canada, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission made 94 calls to action for individuals, organizations, communities, and governments.”  In Call to Action 43, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission...

Putting his community ahead of his education: the story of LU student Jacob Pitawanakwat

It took quite a bit of balancing work and life, but LU student Jacob Pitawanakwat recently completed his third year in computer science. “I was bouncing back and forth between work and school when I found an opportunity to supply-teach full time.” When he wasn’t in class, he offered his services as a supply teacher for the Wikwemikong Board of Education (WBE) anywhere from kindergarten to...


Dr. Yoko Hirota Books/CDs: Hirota, Yoko. umbra septentrionis. Centrediscs, 2017. CD (Forthcoming) Hirota, Yoko. Benjamin Britten and Chamber Music: The Sonata in C for Cello and Piano, Op. 65. (Saarbrücken, Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co., 2013) Hirota, Yoko. Voces Boreales. Centrediscs, 2013. CD Hirota,...

One Hundred Days and Beyond

My First 100 Days October 8th marked my 100th day at Laurentian. I spent the day at a Universities Canada National Building and Reconciliation Forum hosted by Algoma University. There was a remarkable energy and enthusiasm in the room and a real sense that universities in Canada can provide leadership in building reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.  100 days may seem...

Recommended Technology for Online Learning

Laurentian University's Information Technology department has put together a short list of recommended computing (hardware and software) resources to ensure the best possible experience when studying online. Technology Checklist ☑Bandwidth and Internet requirements (1.2Mbps or more up and downstream) ☑Computing requirements (minimum 10th generation i5 or i7, 8Gb+ RAM, 256 SSD...

Recommended Technology for Online Learning

  The Information Technology department has put together a short list of recommended computing (hardware and software) resources to provide the best possible experience while learning online.   Technology Checklist    ☑  Bandwidth and Internet requirements (1.2Mbps or more up and downstream) ☑  Computing requirements (minimum 10th generation i5 or i7,...


“ Being from Bracebridge and the Muskoka Lakes area, I had heard the dated descriptions of Sudbury as a mining town. I was pleasantly surprised and amazed, really. The scenery and the atmosphere are top-notch, and the friendliness of the people truly makes the city.” - Derek Janssen, Sport and Physical Education, 4th year   “Anyone can do a sport, but it takes true...

Academic Programs

French Studies The Department of French Studies offers a general B.A. (3 years) and a specialized B.A. (4 years) in Études françaises, an excellent academic preparation in French language, linguistics and literature.   Admission requirements (Grade 12 4U/M):   •  1 français •  5 other courses •  minimum average of 70% Admissions  ...

Facilities & Equipment

DEPARTMENT FACILITIES   Rehearsal Room, SE012.  This is where most music classes are held.  This room may also be reserved for student group practices. Keyboard Room, SE106N.  Can accommodate up to 15 students for Keyboard Labs.  Also used for regular small classes, up to 6 students. Practice Rooms in SE106.  10 rooms equipped with a piano, music stand,...

Instructions Study

  Intervention Materials You have been provided with access to PDF modules that you can access as often or as little as you would like. They can be viewed online, downloaded or printed off, whichever you prefer. The titles of the modules include numbers at the top, and although there may be a numerical progression through the modules, you are free to move through the material in any...

Instructions Trial

  Intervention Materials You have been provided with access to PDF modules that you can access as often or as little as you would like. They can be viewed online, downloaded or printed off, whichever you prefer. The titles of the modules include numbers at the top, and although there may be a numerical progression through the modules, you are free to move through the material in any...

Teaching and Learning Days - Program

th { background-color: #003e7e; color: white; } td.tech { background-color: #bde9ba; } td.curator { background-color: #f9cb9c; } td.educator { background-color: #d5a6bd; } td.experimenter { background-color: #d9d2e9; } td.collaborator { background-color: #a2c4c9; } td.scholar { background-color: #fff2cc; } .table-responsive { padding } Thursday April 25, 2019 Classroom...

Five things I would have wanted to know before coming to university

There are things that we would’ve liked to know before going into a new environment and these ones would have helped me live my experience differently at Laurentian:   Adjusting to the weather It's COLD in Sudbury: You're probably thinking that it's cold in Canada in general and it should not be surprising. Let’s say it's not the same intensity as elsewhere, it's worse....

Isabelle Baril

Isabelle Baril was born in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Her family moved to Sudbury when she was 4 years old. Isabelle completed her high school studies in French, and chose to study at Laurentian University to further her studies in the French language. In university, Isabelle completed her BA in Géographie with a minor in French. She credits her love for travelling and social studies for inspiring...

BScN Program for Registered Nurses via Distance Education

*Admissions to the English Post RN program have been suspended   Distance Education In January 1987, the BScN program for registered nurses became available on a part-time basis through Distance Education at five sites. As the demand increased, the number of sites expanded from Barrie, Orillia, North Bay, Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie to include students in Oshawa, Owen Sound, St....

Orange Shirt Day - September 30th

Aanii, Hello, Bonjour,  Today, our community comes together for Orange Shirt Day in a day of remembrance, mourning, resilience, and hope. We reflect on the impact and legacy of residential schools on the estimated 150,000 young First Nations, Métis and Inuit children who were stolen from their families and their communities. Today we also embrace the ethos of Orange Shirt Day, which...

Academic Programs

Program Options and Requirements in History  Students must follow these regulations in order to meet graduation requirements for the BA or BSc. Note: Students may not exceed 42 credits at the 1000 or 9100 level in their degree program. Please click here for admission requirements. Please click here for a current listing of undergraduate courses. Please click here for a complete...

Graduate Spotlight - Lacey Hambleton

The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through Laurentian University. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments! “I am proud of the person I have become,” said Lacey Hambleton, one of many students to graduate this spring with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Laurentian. “Now that I’m graduating, doors are opening for me and...

Psychology Online

Degree options 3-year Bachelor of Arts (BA) 90 Credits 4-year Bachelor of Arts (BA) 120 Credits   Concentration in Psychology (3-year)  |  Honours Specialization in Psychology (non-thesis) (4-year)  |  Major in Psychology (4-year) |  Minor in Psychology When can you start?* Fall (September)  |   Winter...