Membres du corps professioral
Ginette Roberge
Professeur(e) agrégé(e) | Directeur(rice), École d'éducation
École d'éducation
Patrice Milewski
Doyen(ne) par intérim, Faculté d'éducation et de santé
Faculté d'éducation et de santé
Yvon Gauthier
Professeur(e) titulaire
École des sciences de l'éducation
Khaled Taktek
Professeur(e) titulaire
École d'éducation
Jeffrey Wood
Professeur(e) titulaire
École d'éducation
Louise Bourgeois
Chargé(e) de cours | Instructeur
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Jennifer Branconnier
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Donald Leger
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Faculté de l’éducation
Alain Gauthier
Doyen(ne) associé(e), Faculté d'éducation et de santé
Faculté d'éducation et de santé
Nova Fox
Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Artina Voz
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Paul Dupont
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Iva McNair
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Andre Maillet
Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Sherry Conroy
Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Rachel Roy
Membre chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Monique Aubin
Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Siham Lemnioui
Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Robin Persad
Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Sylvie Plante
Membre Chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Melanie Gleason
Membre chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Alain Girouard
Membre chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Jacynthe Kelly
Membre chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Eila Kyrzakos
Membre chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Chantal Rouillard
Chargé(e) de cours | Instructeur
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Bonnie Paquette
Membre chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Line Tremblay
Professeur(e) titulaire
École de kinésiologie et sciences de la santé
Claudette Lamontagne
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Todd Burchell
Qualification Additionnelle | Membre chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Yves Beauregard
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Jasmine Coulombe
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Andrée Major
Membre Chargés de cours | Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Gisele Perreault
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Richard Poirier
Membre chargés de cours | Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Kristina Rivard Gobbo
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Lucie Giguere-Kolment
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Danielle Hamilton
Chargé(e) de cours | Clinical Educator/Advisor
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | École des sciences infirmières
Ryan Lafraniere
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Rebecca Gauthier
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Brian Lavoie
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Todd Horn
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Michael Jensen
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Miriam Cusson
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté des arts | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Lynn Steen
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Janice Heppner
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Terence Fallat
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Melanie Lamoureux
Chargé(e) de cours | Qualification Additionnelle
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Suzanne Roy
Chargé(e) de cours | Instructeur
Faculté de la santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Edgar Robinson
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation | Centre d'excellence universitaire
James Bowen
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Faculté de gestion | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Shirley McKnight
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté des arts | Faculté de la santé | Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Thomas Matukala Nkosi
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Michèle Parent-Bergeron
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Annie Berthiaume
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Cheryle Partridge
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Jane Bauer
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Renée Mallet
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé | Centre d'excellence universitaire
Mary Jago
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé
Robert Louis
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté de la santé | Faculté d'éducation et de santé
Stephane Picard
Membre chargés de cours | Membre Chargés de cours
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Reuben Roth
Professeur(e) agrégé(e)
École d'études sur le nord et les collectivités
Jaouad Alem
Professeur(e) agrégé(e)
École de kinésiologie et sciences de la santé
Rana Haq
Professeur(e) agrégé(e)
École d'administration des affaires
Leila Saadaoui
Bibliothécaire adjoint(e)
Service de la bibliothèque et des archives
Rizwan Haq
Professeur(e) titulaire
Département de physique
Sciences, génie et architecture
Georges Kpazai
Professeur(e) titulaire | Directeur(rice) par intérim, École de kinésiologie et scienc
École de kinésiologie et sciences de la santé
Elizabeth Wenghofer
Professeur(e) titulaire
École de kinésiologie et sciences de la santé
Roger Couture
Professeur(e) titulaire
École de kinésiologie et des sciences de la santé
Tov Assogbavi
Professeur(e) titulaire
École d'administration des affaires
Judith Horrigan
Professeur(e) agrégé(e)
École des sciences infirmières
Charles Bélanger
Chargé(e) de cours
Faculté des arts
Département de marketing et gestion
Roberta Heale
Professeur(e) titulaire
École des sciences infirmières
Sylvie Larocque
Professeur(e) titulaire
École des sciences infirmières
Stephen Meyer
Directeur | Professeur(e) agrégé(e)
École d'études sur le nord et les collectivités
Celine Larivière
Professeur(e) titulaire
École de kinésiologie et sciences de la santé
Myriam Bals
Professeur(e) agrégé(e)
École de service social
L’Association générale des étudiantes et étudiants élit l’équipe de direction de 2023-2024
L’équipe de direction de l’AGE/SGA (de gauche à droite) : Timi Aliu, Avery Morin, Zareen Brown et Isaac Vestby.
(3 mai 2023) - L’Association générale des étudiant(e)s (AGE/SGA) a récemment tenu les élections annuelles afin de choisir ses dirigeants pour 2023-2024. Avery Morin, qui entreprend cet automne sa 4e année en neurosciences du comportement et éducation concomitante...
Semaine de reconnaissance des traités, du 3 au 9 novembre 2024
4 novembre, 2024 - Dans le but de promouvoir la compréhension de la Semaine de reconnaissance des traités, un groupe d’étudiantes en service social de quatrième année à l’Université Laurentienne organise des activités de sensibilisation. Sous la direction de École de service social, les étudiantes engageront la communauté de la Laurentienne dans une conversation et partageront des informations...
Les réalisations du corps professoral reconnues et célébrées lors d’un événement sur le campus.
(5 juillet 2023) - Le 15 juin 2023, la vice-rectrice intérimaire aux études, Brenda Brouwer (Ph.D.), et la vice-rectrice à la recherche, Tammy Eger (Ph.D.), ont invité les membres du corps professoral de l’Université Laurentienne à un événement visant à reconnaître et à célébrer leurs nombreuses réalisations et celles de leurs collègues.
« Le corps professoral de l’Université...
Série : L’Université Laurentienne nomme de nouveaux professeurs aspirant à la permanence
16 septembre 2024 – De l’étude des changements climatiques à l’exploration de textes historiques, les diverses forces érudites du corps professoral de l’Université Laurentienne se font valoir chez les huit membres du corps professoral nommés récemment à des postes menant à la permanence.
Ces universitaires distingués aspirant à la permanence contribuent à faire avancer la recherche, à...
Nomination de Dominic Giroux au poste de PDG d’Horizon Santé-Nord et de l’IRHSN
Aujourd’hui, les conseils d’administration d’Horizon Santé-Nord (HSN) et de l’Institut de recherches d’Horizon Santé-Nord (IRHSN) ont annoncé que le recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université Laurentienne, Dominic Giroux, sera le prochain président-directeur général d’HSN et de l’IRHSN. Il entrera en fonction le 2 octobre 2017.
Situé au Grand Sudbury, HSN est l’un des...
Conseiller spécial aux affaires francophones, Roch Gallien
(26 novembre 2021) Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Roch Gallien à titre de conseiller spécial aux affaires francophones. Monsieur Gallien relèvera directement de la Provost et vice-rectrice aux études pour soutenir les activités du bureau des affaires francophones.
Roch Gallien a consacré les cinq dernières années à l’encadrement de la formation des enseignantes et enseignants...
Une bienfaitrice donne 200 000 $ pour soutenir les programmes de l’École d’éducation
28 juin 2022 - L’École d’éducation a reçu un nouveau don de 200 000 $ au nom de Wyona Thompson, une diplômée de l’Université Laurentienne, qui est décédée en juin 2021. Ce don servira à aider la population étudiante à plein temps des programmes de baccalauréat en éducation en anglais et en français. Le « Fonds Wyona Thompson » permettra de créer des bourses d’études qui récompenseront le...
Pleins feux sur les diplômés : Emily Benedicic
31 mai, 2024 - La mère et la grand-mère d’Emily Benedicic sont toutes deux des anciennes de l’Université Laurentienne et enseignantes du français dans le Nord de l’Ontario. Il n’est donc peut-être pas surprenant qu’Emily soit sur le point d’obtenir à son tour un baccalauréat en éducation de l’Université Laurentienne. Mais, d’un certain sens, ce fut une surprise pour elle.
« Je ne me voyais...
Les futurs enseignants apprennent à rendre les mathématiques amusantes
8 janvier 2025 - Qu’est-ce qui fait des mathématiques une matière qui suscite l’enthousiasme plutôt que la crainte? À cette question, le Pr David Hung indique que l’essentiel est de donner vie aux mathématiques pour que les personnes apprennent à les aimer et ainsi favoriser une culture dans laquelle les mathématiques s’enracinent dans la vie quotidienne.
M. Hung est un éducateur chevronné...
Prix 3M d'excellence en enseignement décerné à une professeure de la Laurentienne
L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse de féliciter Mme Pamela Rose Toulouse, professeure agrégée à l’École anglophone d’éducation, pour son Prix 3M d’excellence en enseignement. La Société pour l’avancement de la pédagogie dans l’enseignement supérieur et 3M Canada remettent ce prestigieux prix national chaque année à un maximum de 10 lauréats canadiens. Ce prix souligne les contributions à...
Nomination de nouveaux membres du Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne
Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne est heureux d’accueillir deux nouveaux membres, à savoir Mme Kathy Dokis et M. Maxim Jean-Louis, et a approuvé leur nomination pour un mandat de trois ans lors de l’assemblée du 22 février 2018.
« Mme Dokis et M. Jean-Louis apportent de vastes connaissances et expériences touchant les collectivités, relations et cultures autochtones et...
L’UL choisit de grands talents à titre de leaders de deux vice-rectorats
(6 juillet 2020) L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer les nominations de Mme Marie-Josée Berger, à titre de vice-rectrice aux études, et de Mme Tammy Eger, à titre de vice-rectrice à la recherche.
« Nous avons trouvé deux candidates idéales, a dit le recteur et vice-chancelier, Mme Robert Haché, et je me réjouis à la perspective de voir leurs contributions à la Laurentienne au...
M. Dominic Beaudry nommé vice-recteur associé à l’enseignement et aux programmes autochtones
(le 15 août, 2022) - Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la nomination de M. Dominic Beaudry au poste de vice-recteur associé à l’enseignement et aux programmes autochtones (VRA-EPA), avec entrée en fonction le 1er octobre 2022.
Dans ce rôle, M. Beaudry assurera un leadership dans la promotion, le développement et la mise en œuvre d’initiatives et de programmes appuyant la mission du Conseil...
Les gouvernements financent l’éducation francophone
(26 avril 2023) – Grâce à un financement de plus de 5 000 000 $, le ministère des Collèges et Universités de l’Ontario et le gouvernement du Canada unissent leurs efforts pour soutenir la croissance de l’éducation francophone et bilingue à l’Université Laurentienne.
Ces fonds permettront d’appuyer deux importantes initiatives qui sont au cœur du mandat bilingue de la Laurentienne et...
L’Université Laurentienne sera l’hôte du prochain Forum national sur la réconciliation
30 octobre 2023 - L’Université Laurentienne sera l’hôte du prochain Forum national sur la réconciliation, un événement visant à mettre en relation les communautés autochtones et universitaires afin de créer un changement favorable à l’éducation des autochtones et à la vérité et la réconciliation.
Organisé par le Bureau de l’enseignement et des programmes autochtones de l’Université...
Inspirer la prochaine génération d’enseignants francophones
(22 novembre 2023) – Nombre d’entre nous se souviennent certainement de leurs années d’école et d’un moment où un enseignant ou une enseignante nous a inspirés.
L’enseignant(e) de sciences qui a exploité votre curiosité pour l’Univers.
L’enseignant(e) de commerce qui vous a montré comment être votre propre patron.
L’enseignant(e) d’anglais qui vous a initié aux joies de la lecture.
La Laurentienne rend hommage à la « batisseuse de ponts » Gisèle Chrétien
25 octobre 2013 – Ex-présidente du Collège Boréal et chef de file communautaire de longue date dans le Grand Sudbury, Mme Gisèle Chrétien recevra un doctorat honorifique le 26 octobre lors de la Collation des grades d’automne de l’Université Laurentienne. Diplômée en sciences infirmières de la Laurentienne et titulaire d’une maîtrise en éducation, Mme Chrétien participe activement à...
Reconduction de M. Dominic Giroux pour un deuxième mandat
18 octobre, 2012 - Lors de l’assemblée ordinaire tenue à Barrie aujourd’hui, le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a approuvé la recommandation unanime du Comité d’examen du rendement du recteur de renouveler le mandat de M. Dominic Giroux à titre de recteur et vice-chancelier.
Le Comité d’évaluation du rendement du recteur, composé de membres du Conseil et du corps...
M. Robert Haché nommé 11e recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université Laurentienne
Vendredi 15 février 2019 – Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne est heureux d’annoncer que M. Robert Haché (Ph. D.) deviendra le 11e recteur et vice-chancelier. Il entrera en fonction le 1er juillet 2019 pour un mandat renouvelable de cinq ans, succédant à M. Pierre Zundel (Ph. D.) qui occupe ce poste par intérim depuis août 2017.
Actuellement vice-recteur...
Faculty achievements recognized and celebrated at campus event
July 5, 2023 - On June 15, 2023, Laurentian University faculty members were invited by Dr. Brenda Brouwer, Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic and Dr. Tammy Eger, Vice President Research, to an event that recognized and celebrated their many achievements or those of their colleagues.
“Faculty at Laurentian University are instrumental in fostering an inclusive and positive...
Accreditations renewed for French-language Teacher Education programs at Laurentian University
(March 21, 2023) - Graduates of Laurentian University’s education programs have been, and continue to be, in very high demand. French language programs offered by Laurentian’s School of Education have successfully renewed their accreditation for seven years with the Ontario College of Teachers. This includes the accreditation of new and existing programs:
Baccalauréat en...
Series: Laurentian University Appoints New Tenure-Track Faculty Members
September 16, 2024 - From the study of climate change to the exploration of historical texts, the diverse academic strengths of Laurentian’s faculty is reflected in the roster of eight newly appointed tenure-track faculty.
With the goal of tenure in sight, this distinguished group of scholars contribute to advancing research, inspiring students, and shaping the future within their...
Dominic Giroux Named CEO of Health Sciences North and HSN Research Institute
The Health Sciences North (HSN) and HSN Research Institute (HSNRI) Board of Directors announced today that Dominic Giroux, the President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University, will be the new President and Chief Executive Officer of HSN and HSNRI effective October 2, 2017.
Located in Greater Sudbury, HSN ranks among Ontario’s largest academic health sciences centres and among Canada’s...
Laurentian creates new faculties in health, education and graduate studies
March 19, 2014 - The Laurentian University Senate approved a new Faculty structure, re-organizing and aligning many of the University’s schools and departments.
The existing Faculty of Professional Schools will be replaced by a Faculty of Health and a Faculty of Education. The existing Faculty of Science and Engineering will be renamed the Faculty of Science, Engineering and...
Laurentian University appoints founding Dean of Education
FEBRUARY 23, 2016 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Lace Marie Brogden as the university’s Founding Dean of the Faculty of Education. Dr. Brogden’s appointment will be for a five-year renewable term, beginning July 1, 2016.
As Dean, Dr. Brogden will have responsibility for leading the two schools within the Faculty,...
Future Teachers Learning to Make Math Fun
January 8, 2025 - What makes math feel exciting rather than intimidating? For Dr. David Hung, it’s all about bringing math to life by guiding students toward developing a love for math and nurturing a culture where the ease of math becomes inherent in one's everyday life.
Dr. David Hung is an experienced educator and math enthusiast who brings an engaging teaching strategy to...
Laurentian University Appoints Dr. Jennifer Scott as Dean of the Faculty of Education and Health
July 16, 2024 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jennifer Scott as the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Health. Dr. Scott is described as a compassionate and inclusive leader with a strong commitment to student success, the quality of the student learning experience, and supporting new initiatives that promote excellence in teaching, learning, and...
Laurentian honours four distinguished Canadians for improving lives and communities
Laurentian University will award honorary doctorates to four distinguished Canadians during its 2017 Spring Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury. This year’s recipients have dedicated themselves to helping people and improving their communities through the fields of healthcare, education, architecture, and law.
“The honorary doctorate recipients this spring have contributed to the betterment of...
Laurentian University Board of Governors announce new appointments
The Laurentian University Board of Governors welcomes two new members, Kathy Dokis and Maxim Jean-Louis. The Board of Governors confirmed their appointments at its meeting on February 22, 2018, for three-year terms.
“Kathy and Maxim offer tremendous knowledge and experience as it relates to Indigenous and Francophone communities, relationships and cultures. We are happy to have them join the...
Dr. Robert Haché appointed 11th president and vice-chancellor of Laurentian University
Friday, February 15, 2019 – The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Robert Haché as the University’s 11th president and vice-chancellor. He will assume the position on July 1, 2019, for a five-year renewable term, succeeding Dr. Pierre Zundel who has been serving in this capacity on an interim basis since August 2017.
Dominic Beaudry named new Associate Vice-President, Academic and Indigenous Programs
(August 15, 2022) - We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dominic Beaudry as the new Associate Vice-President, Academic and Indigenous Programs (AVP-AIP) starting October 1, 2022.
In this role, Mr. Beaudry will play a leadership role in promoting, developing and implementing initiatives and programs that support the Laurentian University Native Education Council’s (LUNEC)...
Graduate Spotlight: Emily Benedicic
May 31, 2024 - Both Emily’s mother and grandmother are Laurentian alumnae and French teachers in Northern Ontario so it might not be a surprise to you that Emily is about to graduate from Laurentian University with a Bachelor of Education degree. But it was, in a way, a surprise to Emily.
“I never saw myself as a teacher. I had dreams of working in a museum one day,” Emily says. “I am...
Longtime Wikwemikong Teacher Awarded Native Education Honour
June 23, 2013 - A respected Elder and lifetime member and resident of Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve on Manitoulin Island, Rita Corbiere has been named the recipient of Laurentian University’s 2013 Mnaaj'in Gechi-wiidookang Nishnaabe-Gchi-Kinoomaagziwin,” the Native Education Person of Distinction Award.
Ms. Corbiere was given the honour at a ceremony celebrating National...
Laurentian University appoints Associate Vice-President, Academic and Francophone Affairs
Laurentian University’s Board of Governors unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. Yves Pelletier to the position of Associate Vice-President, Academic and Francophone Affairs effective August 1, 2018, for a five-year renewable term.
“Dr. Pelletier is a seasoned leader and strategic thinker in the post-secondary education sector with a demonstrated commitment to improving the...
LU Selects Top Talent to Fill Two Vice-President Roles
(July 7, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to announce that Dr. Marie-Josée Berger has been appointed Provost and Vice-President, Academic and that Dr. Tammy Eger has been appointed Vice-President, Research.
“We found two ideal candidates and I am very much looking forward to seeing their contributions at Laurentian over the years to come.” said Dr. Robert Haché, President...
Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs, Roch Gallien
(November 26, 2021) We are pleased to welcome Roch Gallien to the position of Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs. He will report directly to the provost and vice-president, Academic to support operations of the Office of Francophone Affairs.
Mr. Gallien has dedicated the last five years to overseeing training for Francophone and Anglophone teachers in all of Ontario’s faculties of...
Donor provides $200,000 to bolster School of Education programming
(June 28, 2022) - A new $200,000 gift has been made to the School of Education in the name of Wyona Thompson, Laurentian University alumna, who passed away in June 2021. This gift will be used to support full-time students in the Bachelor of Education programs in both English and French. The “Wyona Thompson Fund” will create scholarships to reward students for academic merit, bursaries to...
How Linguistics is Foundational to AI, with Dr. Banafsheh Karamifar
December 12, 2024 - Dr. Banafsheh Karamifar’s interdisciplinary expertise bridges linguistics, critical discourse analysis, education, and emergent technologies, brings a wealth of experience and a global perspective to the university. Passionate about language and culture diversity, Dr. Karamifar combines academic rigor with an emphasis on practical applications, aiming to address real-world...
"Bridge-Builder" Gisèle Chrétien Honoured
October 25, 2013 – Former College Boréal President and long-time leader in the Greater Sudbury community Gisèle Chrétien will be awarded an Honourary Doctorate at Laurentian University’s Fall Convocation October 26. A Laurentian graduate in Nursing with a Master ‘s degree in education, Mrs. Chrétien has been active in education and training in Ontario, and was a key contributor...
Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse honoured for excellence in teaching
April 2, 2014 - Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse has been named the recipient of Laurentian University’s Teaching Excellence Award for Full-Time Faculty for 2013-2014.
An Associate Professor in the School of Education at Laurentian University, Dr. Toulouse is entering her 21st year of teaching in the formal education setting. At the forefront of Dr. Toulouse’s approach as...
Sheila Cote-Meek Reappointed
The Laurentian University Board of Governors endorsed the unanimous recommendation of the Evaluation and Selection of Academic Administrators Committee to renew Sheila Cote-Meek as Associate Vice-President, Academic and Indigenous Program.
Dr. Cote-Meek has been the Associate Vice-President, Academic and Indigenous Programs since 2010. During her tenure in this position she has led...
Graduate looks back on her experience in Speech-Language Pathology
(November 29, 2022) - On October 29th, 2022, Céline St-Onge crossed the stage of Laurentian University’s Fraser auditorium to obtain her Maîtrise ès sciences de la santé en Orthophonie (Speech-Language Pathology). This degree follows her Baccalauréat ès sciences de la santé en Orthophonie (Laurentian, 2020). “I’m so proud of our cohort of graduates. Convocation was a very exciting day. It...
Governments Funding Francophone Education
(April 26, 2023) - The Ministry of Colleges and Universities of Ontario and the Government of Canada are combining efforts to support the growth of Francophone and bilingual education at Laurentian University with funding of over $5 million.
The funding will go towards supporting two significant initiatives, both at the core of Laurentian’s bilingual mandate, and aligned with the Action Plan...
Laurentian University to Host Next Building Reconciliation Forum
October 30, 2023 - Laurentian University will host the next Building Reconciliation Forum, an event aimed at connecting Indigenous and university communities to create meaningful change in support of Indigenous education and Truth and Reconciliation.
Hosted by the office of Academic and Indigenous Programs at Laurentian University, Universities Canada’s 2024 Building Reconciliation Forum...
Laurentian Professor awarded 2015 3M Teaching Fellowship
March 2, 2015 - Laurentian University is pleased to congratulate Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse, Associate Professor in the School of Education, on being named a 2015 3M National Teaching Fellow. These prestigious fellowships are awarded to up to ten recipients across Canada each year, through the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) and 3M Canada. The 3M Teaching...
Laurentian Board of Governors welcomes four new members
February 02, 2016 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce four new members have been appointed to the Board of Governors. Stuart Harshaw, Brian Lyle Montgomery, Yves Pelletier and Tina Sartoretto have each been appointed to a three-year term.
Mr. Stuart Harshaw is the new Vice President of Vale's Ontario Operations at Vale Canada Limited. He was previously...
Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre opens at Laurentian University
Laurentian University opened its Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre (ISLC) today as part of National Aboriginal Day celebrations. The ISLC brings together students, faculty, staff, and the community to enhance Indigenous education, advance understanding, and support the needs and aspirations of Indigenous communities. Equipped with a unique round-room gathering space, seminar room,...
Laurentian University launches its 2018-2023 strategic plan: Together. Ensemble. Maamwi.
January 17, 2017 - Laurentian University today launched its 2018-2023 strategic plan which focuses on the university’s five shared values that are; The North inspires us, Student success is our success, Teaching and Learning define us, Curiosity drives our Research, and Relationships are our priority.
“Laurentian’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan encapsulates our university’s core values,”...
Indigenous Social Work student Mathew Dueck awarded prestigious 3M National Student Fellowship
April 9, 2019 - Third-year Indigenous social work student Mathew Dueck has become Laurentian’s first ever student to be awarded the prestigious 3M National Student Fellowship.
Dueck was among 10 accomplished students from across Canada to receive the 2019 award.
The 3M National Student Fellowship Award was introduced in 2012 to honour undergraduate students in Canada who have...
Everyone has a place in the circle
“You never leave your family. You are always connected through dreams; through knowledge and lived experience; you walk together. Laurentian and the North are my family. This is my circle, and we face the future together as familial friends that heal as a community within the circle.”
I am an Omushkego Cree woman from the North. Coming from a remote community, can present many challenges. I...
Province provides grant funding of $1.2M to Laurentian University researchers
(July 31, 2023) - As part of Ontario’s Virtual Learning Strategy initiative, the government of Ontario has announced their support for the work of Laurentian University researchers by awarding grants totalling $1,246,775, to three novel projects. These projects advance virtual learning opportunities for future students and create new ways of delivering post secondary education. ...
Laurentian Appoints New Associate Vice-President, Francophone Affairs
(August 22, 2023) - Another experienced senior leader has joined Laurentian University as Natalie Poulin-Lehoux has been appointed to the role of Associate Vice-President, Francophone Affairs. With over 25 years of experience, Natalie brings a deep understanding and appreciation for the role of francophone postsecondary education in Northern Ontario.
Having most recently served as...
Inspiring the Next Generation of French Language Teachers
(November 22, 2023) - Many of us can think back to our school-age years and remember a moment where a teacher inspired us.
The science teacher who tapped into your curiosity about the universe.
The business teacher who showed you how to be your own boss.
The English teacher who introduced you to a joy for reading.
All of these moments were created by individuals...
PhD in Rural and Northern Health Celebrates Graduate Milestone
November 28, 2023 — When faculty members at Laurentian University were dreaming up what the PhD in Rural and Northern Health program could do for students and the community, they likely had thoughts of influencing health care in both Northern Ontario and rural settings in Canada and abroad. Those dreams from the mid 2000s have since become a reality as the program recently marked a milestone...
Dr. Lynn Wells appointed 12th President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University
December 5, 2023 - The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to announce that Dr. Lynn Wells has been appointed as the next President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University. In this role, Dr. Wells will provide strategic vision and leadership for all academic, administrative, financial, and service operations, in keeping with the university’s bilingual mandate and...
“Indigenous Education and Mapping Out Institutional Spaces”: Laurentian Announces Theme, Preliminary Program, and Keynote Speakers for 8th National Building Reconciliation Forum
April 18, 2024 - Over the course of three days (June 25 - 27), the 2024 National Building Reconciliation Forum, hosted by Laurentian University, will be focused on the theme, “Indigenous Education and Mapping Out Institutional Spaces”. The Forum’s preliminary program, keynote speakers, and registration form is now available on the Forum website.
Four guiding sub-themes will be shared,...
Graduate Spotlight: Mia Tucker
May 22, 2024 - If you’ve ever wondered who writes these Student Spotlights, here I am, it’s me! I am Mia Tucker, Communications Assistant at Laurentian’s Communications Office, but today, I’m writing as both your subject and author.
I am an alumna and current student at Laurentian University with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and soon-to-be graduate of Concurrent Education....
Roxanne Recollet: How she found her calling to help others
January 15, 2025 - For Roxanne Recollet, a fourth-year Indigenous Social Work student at Laurentian University, returning to school was not just about earning a degree—it was about fulfilling a lifelong calling. At 55 years old, Roxanne’s path to postsecondary education is as inspiring as it is unconventional, marked by resilience, determination, and a deep connection to her Indigenous roots....
Laurentian Appoints New Executive Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development
June 5, 2013 - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Terez Klotz as the University’s new Executive Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development. Ms. Klotz was named to the position after a nationwide executive search, and will commence her role in August.
Klotz brings 30 years of experience in human resources and organizational development in...
Laurentian Names Executive Director, Goodman School of Mines
January 16, 2013 - Franco-Nevada President and CEO David Harquail today announced a donation of $500,000 to fund the Franco-Nevada Executive Director’s position of Laurentian University’s Goodman School of Mines. At the same time, University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux announced the appointment of Dr. Bruce C. Jago as the School’s Founding Executive Director.
Dr. Jago...
Laurentian Welcomes Celebrated Aboriginal Advocate
November 30, 2012 - On Wednesday, November 28th, Laurentian University welcomed Phil Fontaine, one of Canada’s most passionate advocates for First Nations rights, to its Sudbury campus. The visit was sponsored by RBC in support of Laurentian’s proposed Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre. RBC has been a significant suppporter of the ISLC project, donating $400,000...
Dominic Giroux Appointed to Second Term
October 18, 2012 - At its regular meeting held today in Barrie, the Board of Governors of Laurentian University endorsed the unanimous recommendation of the Presidential Review Committee to renew Dominic Giroux as President and Vice-Chancellor.
The Presidential Review Committee is comprised of Board members and faculty members serving as Senate representatives. The Committee...
Laurentian University names new Chief Advancement Officer
JUNE 9, 2014 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Tracy MacLeod as the University’s Chief Advancement Officer, leading Alumni Relations and Development and reporting to the President.
A proud alumna of Laurentian University, Tracy MacLeod is a highly motivated, results-oriented Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), with 20 years of experience...
New opportunities for French-speaking students
October, 28, 2014 – Laurentian University, the University of Sudbury, and Collège Boréal have signed a framework agreement defining the recognition of university credits in order to support College Boréal graduates in continuing their education at a university level. The articulation agreement applies to all programs offered in French at Laurentian University and the University of Sudbury....
4th symposium on the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities' Language Planning Policy
May 8, 2015) – The annual symposium on Ontario’s Language Planning Policy (Politique d’aménagement linguistique) for French-language postsecondary education and training wrapped up today at Laurentian University. The fourth annual event focussed on partnerships and collaborations and was organized by Laurentian University’s Office of Francophone Affairs.
For this two-day...
Laurentian University to award six honourary doctorates
May 26, 2015 – Six distinguished Canadians from the spheres of social activism, architecture, business and the arts will be awarded Honourary Doctorates by Laurentian University at Spring 2015 Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury and Barrie.
Honourary Doctorate recipients include:
Craig Kielburger (May 27th, 2:00 pm, Barrie, ON)
Craig Kielburger is a social...
Laurentian University Hires Next Vice-President, Academic and Provost
December 18, 2015 – The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved the appointment of Dr. Pierre Zundel as its next Vice-President, Academic and Provost, effective July 1, 2016.
After 16 years of experience as Professor and Department Head at the Université de Moncton and at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), Dr. Zundel has accumulated 12 years of...
New school of academic innovation in Northern Ontario
June 14, 2016 – Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario (CSPGNO) and Laurentian University today announced the creation of a school of academic innovation which will be housed at École publique Jeanne-Sauvé in the city of Greater Sudbury.
Beginning September 2016, this school of academic innovation will be a focal point where Laurentian University...
Harquail Family Invests $10 Million to Advance Mineral Exploration Research
*Photo left to right: James Harquail, Sofia Harquail, David Harquail, Birgitta Sigfridsson, Peter Harquail
David Harquail announced today that his family foundation is making a $10 million investment to support Laurentian University’s Department of Earth Sciences and its Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC). The University’s Board of Governors has unanimously decided to honour the...
Canadian and Ontario governments invest $27.4 million in infrastructure at Laurentian
SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 – The federal government will invest $21.1 million and the Ontario government will invest $6.3 million towards research and innovation infrastructure at Laurentian University. As part of a broad capital program totalling $60.7 million to be completed by March 2018, this $27.4 million investment is earmarked for the immediate construction of a new 47,000 sq ft Research,...
Laurentian celebrates official opening of final capital phase of the McEwen School of Architecture
Laurentian University today proudly celebrated the official opening of the final capital phase of the McEwen School of Architecture, completing a $45 million 72,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility located in Sudbury’s downtown core.
“This is a proud day for many people at Laurentian and within the broader community,” said Dominic Giroux, President and Vice Chancellor of Laurentian...
Laurentian's Bharti School of Engineering receives renewed investment from IAMGOLD
The Bharti School of Engineering at Laurentian University has received a $2 million investment from Canadian mining firm, IAMGOLD Corporation Inc.
The investment will fund the creation of a collaboration space for engineering students in the newly constructed Cliff Fielding Research, Innovation and Engineering Building. To honour this contribution, the space will be named the...
Sault College and Laurentian University Ink 2 + 2 Agreement
Sault College and Laurentian University signed a milestone agreement that offers business students a unique opportunity to complete their diploma and degree in four years. This new partnership further strengthens each institution’s commitment to providing quality education. Under the agreement, Laurentian University will recognize applications from Sault College students who have completed the...
Laurentian University Research Excellence Award 2017-18 awarded to Dr. Jacqueline Litzgus
Laurentian University is pleased to announce that Dr. Jacqueline Litzgus has been awarded the 2017-2018 Research Excellence Award. Dr. Litzgus was nominated by colleagues and students for her outstanding work in the field of conservation, particularly focusing on reptiles and turtles. She received the award during Laurentian University’s Research Week Awards Gala.
“Jackie Litzgus is a prime...
Laurentian Board of Governors approve construction of new student centre
Laurentian University and the Student General Association (SGA) are pleased to announce that the contract for the new student centre has been awarded to Capital Construction Inc. of Sudbury. The Laurentian University Board of Governors approved the awarding of the new student centre contract at their meeting on Friday, April 20, 2018. The 15,000 sq. ft. building is designed by Yallowega...
Laurentian’s Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre honoured by the Canadian Wood Council
November 21, 2018 – Laurentian University’s Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre (ISLC) was honoured last night in Toronto as part of the 18th Wood Design Awards Ceremony organized by Wood WORKS Ontario, a program led by the Canadian Wood Council. The awards program honours people and organizations that are advancing the use of wood in all types of construction through design excellence,...
Laurentian University Board of Governors announces new appointments
December 14, 2018 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce three new members have been appointed to the Board of Governors. Mr. Khari Gaynor, Mr. Ricus Grimbeek, and Mr. Nelson Toulouse have each been appointed to a three-year term following the Board’s October 26th meeting.
Laurentian alumnus, Mr. Khari Gaynor is Vice-President of Digital Marketing at Aha Insurance. He has over...
Hatch donates $250,000 to the Bharti School of Engineering
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 – Hatch announced today a $250,000 commitment to Laurentian University over five years. The donation will provide a scholarship fund for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University’s Bharti School of Engineering.
With accredited programs in Mining, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, the Bharti School of Engineering is recognized as...
Renewed accreditation status for School of Social Work programs
Monday, March 4, 2019 – Laurentian University is proud to announce the four-year accreditation status of its Honours Bachelor of Social Work (HBSW) program and its Baccalauréat spécialisé en service social (B.S.S. spéc.) by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE).
Social work Bachelor and Masters programs receive CASWE accreditation only when they meet national standards....
Laurentian University Delivers Balanced 2019-20 Budget
April 26, 2019 - The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved a balanced $161M budget for 2019-20. This represents a growth of 0.2% over last year’s budget and eliminates the $4.4M deficit while investing in priorities outlined in our 2018-23 strategic plan.
Balancing the budget this year has not been easy given a series of factors beyond the University’s control including a...
Laurentian University and Fleming College create unique pathway to master’s degree
July 25, 2019 – Fleming College graduates from the Environmental Visual Communication (EVC) program now have the option of completing a master’s degree at Laurentian University. It is the first pathway of its kind in postsecondary education in the province.
The institutions have signed an agreement allowing eligible graduates of Fleming’s EVC program to continue their education...
Meaghan McKinney & Angèle Lafontaine
Pour beaucoup de personnes, un diplôme universitaire est un tremplin vers une carrière quelconque. Après l’obtention du diplôme, il se peut qu’on oublie d’avoir rencontré de nouvelles personnes et suivi des cours intéressants à l’université, à moins de continuer les études ou d’y revenir plus tard pour suivre sa passion. Pour ceux dont la passion est d’enseigner aux futures générations,...
Karen J. Pheasant-Neganigwane
Maamwi. Together. Ensemble. C’est ainsi que nous comprenons le passé et apprenons à progresser, main dans la main, en tant que communauté. D’autres éléments essentiels à la façon dont nous progressons ensemble sont l’écoute, la compréhension et l’initiation du changement. Karen J. Pheasant-Neganigwane (BA 2003; BA 2011) a rassemblé le courage de s’engager en s’adressant à...
Isabelle Baril
Isabelle Baril est née à Rouyn-Noranda, au Québec, et a grandi à Sudbury où sa famille s’est installée alors qu’elle avait quatre ans. Après des études secondaires faites en français, elle s’est inscrite à l’Université Laurentienne où elle a poursuivi des études de la langue française et obtenu un baccalauréat en géographie avec une mineure en lettres françaises. Elle attribue sa passion pour...
Susan Manitowabi (Ph.D.) : un héritage de responsabilité partagée
Dire que Susan Manitowabi accomplit de nombreuses choses est un euphémisme. En effet, depuis son arrivée à l’Université Laurentienne, à l’été 2003, elle agit en leader à l’instar des acteurs de longue date du milieu de l’éducation autochtone : directrice du programme de Services sociaux pour les autochtones (anciennement), co-créatrice du programme de maîtrise en relations autochtones (MRA),...
Reconstruire quelque chose qui a été brisé
Dans les appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada (CVRC), il est indiqué que, « afin de remédier aux séquelles laissées par les pensionnats et de faire avancer le processus de réconciliation, 94 appels à l’action doivent être lancés aux personnes, aux organisations, aux collectivités locales et aux gouvernements ». Dans l’appel à l’action no 43, la Commission a...
École d'éducation
Baccalauréat en éducation (en plusieurs partie, en-ligne, à temps partiel)
Baccalauréat en éducation concurrente
Faculté d'éducation et de la santé
Bienvenue à la Faculté d'éducation et de la santé!
Message du doyen
Grâce à des programmes universitaires exceptionnels, nos diplômés sont prêts à relever les défis des paysages changeants de l’éducation et de la santé dans les communautés culturelles, locales, régionales, nationales et internationales.
J’invite les étudiantes et étudiants potentiels qui consultent le site à...
Université Laurentienne : Investir dans notre avenir
Nous aimons tous notre université.
Parlez à n’importe quel membre de la communauté de la Laurentienne et vous constaterez l'engagement que nous avons tous envers cet établissement. Nous travaillons avec d’excellents professeurs. Nos étudiants font partie des meilleurs et des plus brillants au Canada. Nos anciens demeurent des champions de l’Université et nos chercheurs et nos programmes font...
Conseils de lauréats de bourses d’excellence à l’Université Laurentienne
Ce printemps, les étudiantes et étudiants de la Laurentienne ont assisté à une cérémonie de collation des grades sans précédent dans l’histoire de 60 ans de l’UL. Une autre année universitaire a pris fin et le temps est venu de célébrer la remise des diplômes. La fin des études peut être perçue comme la fin d’un chapitre, mais il s’agit toutefois d’une étape vers de nombreuses...
Décès d'ancienne chancelière Aline Chrétien
Bonjour, aanii, hello,
C’est avec profonde tristesse que j’ai appris le décès de Madame Aline Chrétien, toute première chancelière de la Laurentienne et l’une des plus grandes promotrices de notre Université.
Les drapeaux sur le campus seront en berne le mardi 15 septembre pour honorer Madame Chrétien et rendre hommage à sa vie et à son œuvre.
Madame Chrétien était connue comme une...
L’Université Laurentienne clôture une autre fructueuse Semaine de l’éducation internationale
L’Université Laurentienne a célébré la Semaine de l’éducation internationale (SEI) et fait valoir ses efforts de mobilisation sur la scène mondiale ainsi que la culture diversifiée de son campus. Chaque année, la SEI se déroule dans une centaine de pays partout dans le monde pendant la troisième semaine de novembre. À la Laurentienne, nous avons présenté virtuellement toute une série...
Darrell Frank | BPHE, B.Ed.
Darrell Frank, skieur de fond passionné et diplômé de l’Université Laurentienne, était un athlète accompli bien avant son entrée à l’université. Il a remporté plusieurs championnats provinciaux pendant ses études secondaires. Quand il était un jeune athlète, Darrell a décidé de poursuivre un diplôme lié à l'éducation physique pour approfondir sa passion pour le sport. Pendant ce temps,...
Stage de formation pratique à l'enseignement
L'École d'éducation (É.É.) offre un programme de formation dans lequel de temps consacré aux stages pratiques a été augmenté comme le suggéraient les nouveaux diplômés. L'É.É. accorde ainsi à la pratique de l'enseignement en contexte réel une place privilégiée. À présent, les étudiantes et les étudiants participent à quatre stages de cinq semaines chacun. En d'autres mot,...
Prévention de la violence à caractère sexuel et intervention
L’Université Laurentienne s’efforce d’offrir un environnement sécuritaire et inclusif à la population étudiante, au corps professoral et au personnel et ne tolère aucune violence, aucune discrimination et aucun harcèlement.
Elle prend le harcèlement sexuel et la violence sexuelle très au sérieux. Cela signifie que, en tant que membre de la communauté universitaire, vous avez le droit de ne...
Services supplémentaires aux étudiants
Centre familial Laurentienne
Accueille, à plein temps, les nouveau- nés et les enfants jusqu’à l’âge de cinq ans uniquement de langue anglaise, supervisés par un personnel qualifié en éducation des petits. Lors de la période estivale et après les heures d’école, on y offre un programme d’activités pour les enfants de six à 12 ans.
Pour plus...
« Les discussions et l’interaction en classe constituent probablement la meilleure partie de l’apprentissage à la Laurentienne en ce sens que ma contribution, en tant qu’étudiante, est reconnue et valorisée. il existe ici un vrai sentiment d’appartenance. »
Kathryn Shearer, Communication Studies/Concurrent Education, 4e année
« La diversité des sujets...
Se préparer pour le colloque autochtone Maamwizing 2018!
"This was a fantastic conference in 2016 and I am looking forward to the 2018 event! It was a wonderful opportunity to meet old & new acquaintances and hear the latest Reconciliation work being done in post-secondary education."
-Sheila Cote-Meek, PhD
Voici ce...
Politique de liberté de parole (liberté d’expression)
Politique de liberté de parole (liberté d’expression)
Instance administrative: Recteur et vice-chancelier
Responsable de l’approbation: Conseil des gouverneurs
Date d’approbation: 14 décembre 2018
Prochaine révision: juin 2019
Historique des révisions:
Les objectifs et les buts de l’Université Laurentienne sont l’avancement du savoir et la...
Melanie Morin
Pouvez-vous gagner sur tous les tableaux? Melanie Morin, diplômée de la Laurentienne répond par l’affirmative quand il s’agit de sa carrière. Elle est fière du chemin parcouru jusqu’ici dans sa carrière, qui découle d’une relation clé et qui s’est développée sous le signe d’une idée audacieuse : franchir de nouveaux sommets.
En 2001, Melanie a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts en...
Conférencier principal
L’enseignement en tant qu’éducateur du XXIe siècle :
de quoi avons-nous besoin et comment y arriver?
Vendredi, le 26 avril 2019
Édifice de recherche, d’innovation et de génie Cliff Fielding
De nombreux facteurs et forces, divers et variés, se conjuguent pour modifier le paysage de l’enseignement supérieur du XXIe siècle. Du point de vue des éducateurs que nous...
Anik Dennie, récipiendaire du Prix d’innovation en recherche
Récente diplômée du programme de maîtrise en sciences de l’activité physique, Mme Anik Dennie a reçu, pendant la Semaine de la recherche 2019, le Prix d’innovation en recherche pour ses travaux avec Mme Joël Dickinson, Ph.D., sur la formation en matière d’espace sécuritaire pour les personnes LGBTQ2-S. Cette formation découle d’une enquête évaluant le climat en ce qui a trait aux membres...
Cent jours et au-delà
Mes 100 premiers jours
Le 8 octobre a marqué mon 100e jour à la Laurentienne. J’ai passé la journée au Forum national des universités du Canada sur la construction et la réconciliation, accueilli par l’Université Algoma, dans une salle empreinte d’une énergie et d’un enthousiasme sans pareils et où il y avait réellement chez les participants le sentiment que les universités du Canada peuvent...
La famille Reilly
Nous remercions Nina Reilly, ancienne de la Laurentienne (B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering ‘85), d’avoir pris le temps de nous raconter l’histoire de sa famille de son domicile à Calgary, en Alberta ce mois.
L’histoire de la famille Reilly à l’Université Laurentienne a commencé avant que l’université a porté ce nom. Irvine Reilly, père de Nina, B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD, a commencé ses études à...
David Munch
L’état des soins aux personnes âgées dans nos collectivités a beaucoup changé en raison des restrictions et des menaces que fait planer la COVID-19. Pour beaucoup, notamment les aînés réputés à haut risque, une telle menace sans précédent pour la santé est certainement un facteur de stress important. David Munch (B.Com. 1995) et son équipe à Finlandia Village, à Sudbury, ont manifestement dû...
Rebecca Foreshew
Parcourir le monde n’est peut-être pas à l’ordre du jour, mais Rebecca Foreshew a certainement eu sa part d’aventures mondiales au fil des ans. Diplômée de l’Université Laurentienne (BScN 2014 et MScN 2019) et de nature empathique, Rebecca s’est rendue dans un nombre de pays et collectivités pour venir en aide à des personnes en mal de soins de santé ou de services de soutien infirmier....
Kim Fahner
Kim Fahner, auteure, éducatrice, poétesse lauréate de Sudbury et membre active de la collectivité, a pour les arts une passion qui rayonne dans toute son œuvre. Elle est diplômée de l’Université Laurentienne où elle a préparé une double majeure, English et History, puis une mineure en « Native Studies » comme on l’appelait à l’époque. En effet, elle avait vraiment à cœur de faire ses études de...
Pleins feux sur les diplômés – Lacey Hambleton
Pleins feux sur les diplômés met en vedette des étudiantes et étudiants exceptionnels qui ont suivi un parcours unique à l’Université Laurentienne. Nous les célébrons et soulignons leurs succès.
« Je suis fière de la personne que je suis devenue, dit Lacey Hambleton, membre du grand groupe de diplômés qui obtiendront un baccalauréat en histoire de la Laurentienne ce printemps. Mon...
Ateliers FLS & Cours préparatoire de FLS
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flex: 0 1 calc(33.33% - 20px); /* Each card takes up...
Politique touchant les bourses de premier cycle pour les étudiants internationaux
Cette politique a pour but de reconnaître et de récompenser les membres de la population étudiante qui ont d’excellents résultats scolaires. Il faut avoir une pleine charge de cours (100 %) sur deux trimestres (automne/hiver) pour le premier grade et payer les droits pour étudiants étrangers à l’Université Laurentienne. Les bourses de début d’études sont remises aux personnes qui entament...
Program Requirements
en Notes
fr Notes
Adv Func
Math Notes
Sci Note
Chem Note
Bio Note
The Reilly Family
Laurentian University runs in the family! This month, we were appreciative of Nina Reilly, Laurentian alumna (B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering ‘85), for making the time to share her family’s story with us all the way from her home in Calgary, Alberta.
The Reilly family’s time at Laurentian University dates back to even before the university bore that name. Irvine Reilly,...
Karen J. Pheasant-Neganigwane
Maamwi. Together. Ensemble. This is how we understand the past and learn to move forward hand-in-hand as a community. Listening, understanding and initiating change are all crucial to how we move...
Meaghan McKinney & Angèle Lafontaine
For many, a university degree is a goal to strive for in order to pursue a career. After graduation, it may become a faint memory where you had the chance to meet new people and take some interesting courses, unless you chose to continue your studies or return some day to pursue your passion. For some, that passion is educating the youth of tomorrow and Laurentian University happened to be...
Isabelle Baril
Isabelle Baril was born in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Her family moved to Sudbury when she was 4 years old. Isabelle completed her high school studies in French, and chose to study at Laurentian University to further her studies in the French language. In university, Isabelle completed her BA in Géographie with a minor in French. She credits her love for travelling and social studies for inspiring...
School of Education
The English-language concurrent Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program admits approximately 115 students yearly. It provides an innovative alternative to the consecutive teacher education programs that typically involve an additional two years after the completion of an undergraduate degree. Students in our five-year concurrent education program complete a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of...
Commerce Co-op and Internships
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[tab title="Co-op"]
Laurentian University’s School of Commerce offers Cooperative education option as part of the French-language Honours Bachelor of Commerce program.
Cooperative education is a partnership between the student, the employer and the University, contributing to a well-rounded Commerce and Business education. The practical...
To Rebuild Something that Has Been Broken
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action states “In order to begin to redress the legacy of the residential school system and advance the process of reconciliation in Canada, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission made 94 calls to action for individuals, organizations, communities, and governments.” In Call to Action 43, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission...
Dr. Susan Manitowabi: A legacy of shared responsibility
To say Dr. Susan Manitowabi gets a lot done is an understatement. Since she came to Laurentian University in the summer of 2003, she has been a long-standing leader in the Indigenous education community at Laurentian. Susan chaired the (former) Native Human Services Program, was involved in the creation of the Master of Indigenous Relations (MIR) program, co-founded the Maamwizing Indigenous...
Passing of former Chancellor Aline Chrétien
Hello, Aanii, Bonjour,
It is with immense sadness that I learned of the passing of Madame Aline Chrétien, Laurentian’s inaugural chancellor and one of our University’s greatest champions.
Flags on campus will be lowered at half-mast Tuesday, September 15 to honour and commemorate Madame Chrétien’s life and legacy.
Madame Chrétien was known as the force of nature, “the rock of...
Social Work
Social work is a diverse, challenging, fulfilling, and meaningful profession. Social workers practice within a variety of contexts and locales including child welfare, mental health, addictions, schools, hospitals, culturally-specific services, and private practice, in social justice, community development, and social planning, as researchers, educators, and policy makers, and many...
Day One
Monday morning at 8:30 I officially took over in the office of the President.
At 7AM I was already doing interviews with members of the media in our brand-new atrium and front door. When the reporter asked me how I felt about taking over at Laurentian, all I could say was, “excited”.
Excited because I have been on this campus for nearly a decade and have never seen anything like what...
“ Being from Bracebridge and the Muskoka Lakes area, I had heard the dated descriptions of Sudbury as a mining town. I was pleasantly surprised and amazed, really. The scenery and the atmosphere are top-notch, and the friendliness of the people truly makes the city.”
- Derek Janssen, Sport and Physical Education, 4th year
“Anyone can do a sport, but it takes true...
BScN Program for Registered Nurses via Distance Education
*Admissions to the English Post RN program have been suspended
Distance Education
In January 1987, the BScN program for registered nurses became available on a part-time basis through Distance Education at five sites. As the demand increased, the number of sites expanded from Barrie, Orillia, North Bay, Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie to include students in Oshawa, Owen Sound, St....
Advice from Laurentian University’s Academic Excellence Awards Winners
This spring, Laurentian students graduated at a convocation ceremony unlike any other in the 60 years the university has been in operation. Another year has come and gone. Though graduation marks the end of a chapter, it is not the end goal; it is just another step on a path leading to many more accomplishments on the journey we call life. We would like to share advice from some of our top...
Putting his community ahead of his education: the story of LU student Jacob Pitawanakwat
It took quite a bit of balancing work and life, but LU student Jacob Pitawanakwat recently completed his third year in computer science. “I was bouncing back and forth between work and school when I found an opportunity to supply-teach full time.” When he wasn’t in class, he offered his services as a supply teacher for the Wikwemikong Board of Education (WBE) anywhere from kindergarten to...
David Munch
The state of senior care in our communities has been largely different lately due to the impending restrictions and threats of the COVID-19 pandemic. An unprecedented health threat like this is certainly a large stressor for many people, especially for seniors who have been identified as high-risk. David Munch (B.Com. ’95) and his team at Finlandia Village in Sudbury have certainly needed to...
Graduate Spotlight - Lacey Hambleton
The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through Laurentian University. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments!
“I am proud of the person I have become,” said Lacey Hambleton, one of many students to graduate this spring with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Laurentian. “Now that I’m graduating, doors are opening for me and...
FSL Workshops & FSL Preparatory Course
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flex: 0 1 calc(33.33% - 20px); /* Each card takes up...
History of the Sports Administration Program
The School of Sports Administration offers a limited enrollment, four-year interdisciplinary professional program that combines extensive exposure to the functional areas of business management with the practical and theoretical exposure to the sports industry.
The Honours Bachelor of Commerce Sports Administration program (HBCom SPAD) will prepare individuals for positions of responsibility...
Laurentian University: Investing in our future
We all love our university.
Talk to anyone who is part of the Laurentian community, and you’ll hear commitment we all share to this institution. We work with great professors. Our students are among the best and brightest Canada has to offer. Our Alumni continue to champion this institution, and our researchers and programs are the envy of the post-secondary world. Our Sudbury campus...
Laurentian's reaction to changes to tuition framework
January 17, 2019 – The Ontario Government announced this morning that universities’ and colleges’ tuition fees will decrease by 10% for 2019-2010, and be frozen for the following year. While this will reduce Laurentian University’s revenues, we support decisions that increase access to post-secondary education for students.
Laurentian has the highest proportion of first-generation...
The Importance of University Athletics
I am privileged to be in a situation where I have experienced both sides of university athletics, as a player and as a spectator. Here is my story of how athletics shaped my life and how they can benefit all students.
I am currently in my third year at Laurentian and I have been a player on the varsity men’s soccer team for that entire period. Playing sports in a post-secondary...
Darrell Frank | BPHE, B.Ed.
Darrell Frank, an avid cross-country skier and Laurentian alumnus, was an accomplished athlete long before his university studies began. He had participated in and won many provincial championships as a high school athlete. Darrell knew that he wanted to pursue a degree related to physical education to further pursue his passion for the sport. At the time, Laurentian University was looking to...
Kerry Moynihan
Kerry Moynihan (B.Com. SPAD) still remembers his parents dropping him off in Sudbury to begin his first year at Laurentian University. Kerry grew up in Toronto, ON, and most of his family members before him completed their postsecondary studies in southern Ontario. Although his first few days in Sudbury were an adjustment, Kerry soon met some of his lifelong friends,...
Laurentian’s Graduate Researchers are Redefining Earth Science Research with Collaboration
A defining feature of Sudbury is its establishment within the Sudbury Basin, an impact crater formed almost 2 billion years ago. Earth science researchers at Laurentian University have access to unique geologic structures formed by this impact for field and laboratory research, allowing them to ask questions about our Earth that can only be answered here in Sudbury.
However, there are...
SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Bob Wanzel
Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985
Bob Wanzel is many things to the Laurentian University Sports Administration program.
The founding chairman of the ground-breaking initiative, Wanzel was a member of the 1967 Vanier Cup championship University of Alberta Golden Bears squad, the very institution...
Laurentian University wraps up another successful International Education Week
Laurentian University celebrated International Education Week (IEW), an opportunity to showcase international engagement efforts as well as our diverse campus culture. IEW is celebrated annually during the third week of November in over 100 countries around the world. We hosted a series of virtual events and workshops to highlight international talent, employment and study abroad opportunities....
Laurentian’s Call for Optimism
February 5, 2021
Hello, Aanii, Bonjour,
Just a few days ago, Laurentian announced that it had started a formal court proceeding in order to restructure itself. We know that it’s difficult news for our community. For our faculty and our staff. For our alumni, our friends. And especially, for you, our students.
I nonetheless continue to be optimistic about and...
Faculty of Education and Health
Welcome to the Faculty of Education and Health!
Message from the Dean
Through exceptional academic programs, our graduates are poised to meet the challenges of changing educational and health landscapes – across cultural, local, regional, national and international communities.
For potential students looking through the site, please contact us if you have questions about any of...
Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence
Laurentian University strives to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all students, faculty and staff, and will not tolerate violence, discrimination, or harassment.
The University takes sexual harassment/violence very seriously. That means as a member of the Laurentian University community, you have the right to be free from sexual harassment/violence on Laurentian’s campus and...
Federal Budget 2018
Laurentian University was thrilled to see that the latest federal budget contains the biggest investment in science and university research in Canadian history.
As Interim President at Laurentian I can tell you firsthand that recent investments we have seen have helped our university and our city take a giant leap forward.
Last summer we announced that through the federal government’s...
Gearing up for the 2018 Maamwizing Indigenous Conference
"This was a fantastic conference in 2016 and I am looking forward to the 2018 event! It was a wonderful opportunity to meet old & new acquaintances and hear the latest Reconciliation work being done in post-secondary education."
-Dr. Sheila Cote-Meek
Here's what...
Policy on the Freedom of Speech (Freedom of Expression)
Policy on the Freedom of Speech (Freedom of Expression)
Office of Administration: Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor
Approval Authority: Board of Governors
Approval Date: December 14, 2018
Next Review: June 2019
Review History:
Laurentian University’s objects and purposes are the advancement of learning, the...
Gary J. Michalak
Many people take time to figure out what they would like to do with their careers; others, like Gary Michalak, know exactly what they are meant to do from an early age. As a young athlete, Gary realized he wanted to use the leadership skills he developed playing multiple sports to help those around him achieve their goals. A lifelong learner, Gary has continued to fuel his passion by helping to...
Melanie Morin
Can you have your cake and eat it too? Laurentian alumna Melanie Morin believes you can have it all, when it comes to your career that is. She is proud of how far she has come in her career, which stemmed from one key relationship and blossomed with one innovative idea, to become much more.
Melanie graduated from Laurentian University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English...
Teaching as a 21st Century Educator: what do we need and how do we get there?
Friday, April 26, 2019
Cliff Fielding Research & Innovation Building
There are many different factors and forces acting to change the landscape of 21st century higher education. From our perspective as educators, what are the skills, habits and attitudes that we need in order to not...
Hello Laurentian University!
Hello Laurentian University.
I want to take a moment to introduce myself. The business card says Dr. Robert Haché, but I prefer to be called Rob.
It has been an incredibly busy few months preparing to step into the role of Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor. It has felt a bit like a whirlwind, but I have already had the opportunity to meet and engage...
Anik Dennie, Recipient of the Research Innovation Award
Anik Dennie, a recent graduate of the Masters of Human Kinetics program, received the Research Innovation Award during Research Week 2019 for her work with Dr. Joël Dickinson on the LGBTQ2-S Safe Space Training. Safe Space Training is an initiative that came out of the 2012 Sexuality and Gender Diversity Climate Survey conducted by Laurentian’s Sexuality and Gender Diversity Committee which...
Mario Grossi and Technica Mining
Sudbury, Ontario has been a global mining hub and leader for years. Technica Mining, a contracting company led by Mario Grossi, President and CEO, provides services including but not limited to engineering design, construction, maintenance, and production, all in an underground capacity. After completing his Commerce degree at Laurentian University, Mario founded Technica Mining in 1999,...
One Hundred Days and Beyond
My First 100 Days
October 8th marked my 100th day at Laurentian. I spent the day at a Universities Canada National Building and Reconciliation Forum hosted by Algoma University. There was a remarkable energy and enthusiasm in the room and a real sense that universities in Canada can provide leadership in building reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
100 days may seem...
Happy New Year and Return to Classes
The start of an academic term is always an exciting time, but this year we begin our term at the start of a new decade. Hopefully you are returning from your holidays rested, refocused, and with a renewed sense of optimism. There is much work to do in 2020 and just imagine the potential for Laurentian by 2030.
Being as this is my first blog since November, I wanted to share some...
SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Ken Peter
Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985
The lessons learned during the time one commits to the study of Sports Administration can be as wide and varied as the personalities who comprise the program’s impressive list of alumni.
Those same lessons are also, quite often, life-long in nature, helping to navigate the circuitous...
SPAD Alumni Newsletter - David Toswell
Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985
The pathway for David Toswell (SPAD 1985) appeared to be fairly well laid out.
And then, it wasn’t.
A native of North Bay and lover of all things sports in his youth, the academically inclined young man had pretty much always seen the Sports Administration program at Laurentian...
Rebecca Foreshew
Travelling the world may not be on our current agenda, but Rebecca Foreshew has certainly been on her fair share of global adventures over the years. As a BScN ’14 and MScN ’19 alumna of Laurentian University and a natural empath, Rebecca has taken her skills on the road with her to many countries and communities to help individuals in need of health care services or support.
Tracy MacLeod
I am writing today as a proud Laurentian Arts graduate, and guest columnist, hoping to inspire others to share their stories, and fond memories, as we celebrate Laurentian University’s 60th anniversary. I started working in Laurentian’s Advancement Office when I was a student in the 90’s. My first job was calling alumni, updating them on the exciting things happening at Laurentian and asking...
Graduate Spotlight: Eugenia Eshkawkogan
The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through Laurentian University. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments!
For Eugenia Eshkawkogan, it hasn’t yet sunk in that she will soon be graduating from Laurentian University with a degree in Indigenous Social Work.
Originally from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, she never...
“Healing Hands” – Renée’s Journey
I am from Kebaowek First Nation in Kipawa, Quebec, a small hamlet where the sole stoplight continuously blinks red. My father is French Canadian, and my mother is Algonquin. From the time I was a baby, my father told me that being Indigenous was the coolest thing, that my connections would make me strong for life and help me choose the path I would ultimately follow. But finding that...
Graduate Spotlight: Ivan Samoylenko
The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through Laurentian University. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments!
For Ivan Samoylenko, the student experience at Laurentian University has been all about inclusivity and diversity. “I’m very proud of the many friends I’ve made and the great relationships I’ve fostered with people I know...
Dr. Ming Cai
Dr. Ming Cai
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture
Tel: (705) 675-1151 ext. 2284
Office: F-225D
Dr. Ming Cai, a licensed professional engineer in Ontario, is a Full Professor in the School of Engineering and Computer Science and holds a position as MIRARCO...
International Undergraduate Scholarship Policy
This policy is designed to recognize and reward students with high academic achievement who are registered in a 100% course load in two semesters (fall/winter) in a first degree and pay International fees to Laurentian University. Excellence scholarships are awarded to all students who are entering their 1st year and who register full-time in an undergraduate first degree program at...